Dies on Throttle...

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Mar 5, 2006
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My gf quad is a 05 rap 350, love the quad but having problems. It HAD a K and N (drop in type) and a fmf quiet series slip on, we had the lid still on...

I recently put on a pro flow k+n because I wanted to drop the lid. The quad ran a little rich when I rejetted it, so I was hoping with dropping the lid it would be spot on, boy was I wrong! It went way lean, she was riding it and it refused to start after a while....

When she came home that night from riding (I didnt go with her, first and LAST time that will happen) I replaced the lid on the air box to get it running alright for her, it still does the same thing, even put on the old drop in filter, still lean.... well at least I think its lean...... It starts right up, idles great, and when you go to give it gas, it will die... you can idle in reverse and get it around, but as soon as you give it gas it dies.... Does anyone have any ideas? I was thinking maybe the carb boots come off (as it has done on my 660) but I tightened them and they seem alright.... should I take the boots back off and try again? The reason I ask about the carb boots is because when I took the air box out to replace the k+n with the pro flow the air box ripped off the carb instead off of the air box end.... so I had to reseat both, could there be something on the seal of the carb boot causing this problem? Like I said, I replaced everything back tothe way it was, and it still dies when on the throttle....??

She also said it ran great/normal for about an hour, then all of the sudden this happened. I was recommended on bluetraxx to take the carb apart and clean with carb cleaner.... any additional ideas?

Any ideas?? Help!
Normally lean conditions lead to heavy popping, very hard starting, and rough idling (wont idle tell warmed up) - then when the machine warms up the lean symptoms tend to go away (except the popping). What does the spark plug look like? This will give us a better guesstimate regarding whats going on.
the boot going from you carb to your airbox seals only in a certain way. if it never sealed right, it could let dirt into your carb. you should take your airbox off and see if that was sealed correctly. if it wasn't sealed right, then you probably got dirt into your carb. then clean your carb out. hope this helps.
Yes, I checked the parking brake. I did that on my 660 about the third day I had it, boy was I pissed until I figured it out :)

Thanks all
took some carb cleaner to it and all is fine, thank you all again. It was that exact thing, put the carb boot back on wrong with the little "dimple" of center, let some dirt in apparently??
