"elite" quad right here (i hope)

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I honestly dont care what u guys think, ok. My buddy that owns a machine shop will give me a P&P for $60 and other places charge $200+. THEN my other sponsor gave me great deals on riding gear. SO, if those two people are going to give me discounts, i would consider them sponsors. And i honestly dont care what a bunch of internet people say, i know i have sponsors, and that all i care about.
Jesus guys just chill the **** out... who cares if he gets cheap motor work done what does it matter to u?? i just dont understand y ya gang up on him when he says he gets a good deal on some motor work?? does it honeslty mater that much???
i agree.. i think it's sounds sweet. i would like to do that stuff. i agree with reggie that if those people give him discounts then they would be considered sponsors. or at least if i had that kind of support i would at least acknowledge them in some way. he's trying to get into the racing world or whatever so don't dog him..just follow the golden rule or whatever don't say something if you don't have anything nice to say..jeeze.
i agree.. i think it's sounds sweet. i would like to do that stuff. i agree with reggie that if those people give him discounts then they would be considered sponsors. or at least if i had that kind of support i would at least acknowledge them in some way. he's trying to get into the racing world or whatever so don't dog him..just follow the golden rule or whatever don't say something if you don't have anything nice to say..jeeze.

Oh yea well I am rubber and you are glue! :'(
[quote:01ma4ef0]cause ur full of ****? just a possibility
haha! ;D :eek: :p[/quote:01ma4ef0]

reggie, were not stupid

your 14
you have been known to not be the most honest and smartest of all people
you tend to have a thing for bullshiting (the atvriders.com incident)
and, it just doesnt come free!
oh and, if you dont care what we think about your quad and what you are "supposedly" doing toit, then why are you taking your time to post it here?

im not bieng an *******, just stating the facts
dude, i really dont get u. We have made peace TWICE and ur back talkin smack. I didnt target anything bad to u, so why do u feel the urge to talk smack, i am personally and ALOT of other people are gettin sick of it!
oh and, if you dont care what we think about your quad and what you are "supposedly" doing toit, then why are you taking your time to post it here?

im not bieng an *******, just stating the facts

im not bieng an *******, just stating the facts

Vote for me QOTM!
that's some good **** right there - that actually looks better though since they're both the same color
Hey, thats fine, im not going to stoop to ur immature age level aight, so u go ahead and talk crap. Cuz im gonna be the bigger person and walk away.
ya you be the big person buddy 'quadracer' but PELPHREY those look professionly done... where do you get them painted.... im jelous lol :mad: ::) ;D
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