elka shock setup selections. HELP!!!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2005
Reaction score
York, PA
I'm helping someone pick out some suspension components, and i'm trying to figure out the shock type/valving thing on goldenwestcycle's website.

First, they don't have a place to specify stock a-arms, +2, or +3 arms. We're going with +2 arms

The other thing that has me all jammed up is the shock type, I can't tell which is front, which is rear, which have ressys, and which don't. Can someone help me figure this out? Thanks

here's the shocks we're trying to get
I would use that site your looking at for the ordering if you don't want to go through elka for that. But use Elka for the specifics, such as model names, and all that. Try this link it's for the quad model selection for their recreational shock series. http://www.elkasuspension.com/atvmodels.html.
Ohh and for the shock selection I believe the E in the beginning of the model number is for External, ei no piggy back, which in turn is what PB means in the shock model number. So I would be led to believe the ones with the ressie's would be the PB's, also going by the price difference on that. And if it doesn't say "Front" in the description, I would think it is the rear shock. Your best bet would be to call Golden West Cycle.
p.s. this is just assuming all of that, and you know what they say, when you assume, you make an ASS out of U and ME. (it's not that good of a saying but put the caps together, is where they got it from)