Finding neutral fix. I think I dicked it.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2006
Reaction score
New Richmond, WI
Well boys,
I think I figured it out! As you know I have a big bear setup for an oil cooler and also use the faggy ass linkage shifter which is almost ready to fall appart. So that doesn't help shifting. Anyway, I was getting so sick and tired of having to shut the fourwheeler off to get it in and out of reverse I figure just go ahead and rip into it.
First I found that my clutch basket was worn and had notches or grooves wore into the housing where the clutch plates drive off of... I thought maybe this could be causing them to hang up and lock together so I filed the basket smooth where the ridges where. Made sure all the plates moved freely... I found that my plates look really good so no need to replace them. I did add HD springs though.
Lastly I found that my wave plates were not holding the basket appart or the fricton plates appart when there was no load on the pressure plate. I replaced them.
Well I got it all back together and it actually helped. It was 90 degrees out and the engine ran as hot as hell and it was still shifting into neutral and reverse, even with sloppy ass shifter. I was happy all that work paid off. If you need the parts break down.

This engine has a lot of power.. Thinking I want some more over rev power so I might stick a Web .430 cam in it and see how that works and then I'll be able to compare the two. I just hope I don't loose any bottom end.
I got some banshee shocks off of ebay. Can't wait for them.
Looking for an AC swing arm gard as I ****** up my rear sprocket when I hit a stump...