Foot Peg Issue...

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Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2012
Reaction score
Well this sucks... My right foot peg / foot rest is messed up. There are 3 bolts that hold that sucker to the frame, but the lowest one broke from the weld on the frame (stock weld, my other warriors have the same setup) Now that whole foot rest is about two inches lower than it should be AND slightly facing the wrong way. JB weld isn't cutting it.. A real weld job is going to cost $$$. Any other recommendations? I'm considering a much better bolt and re-drilling into the frame to hopefully make something more sturdy, but if that breaks then part of my frame is f'd... Ideas?
I don't have the tools to weld and don't want to shell the $$. I'm thinking a redrill with a larger bolt, but if that doesn't hold up I'll have a major crack in my frame..
spend a little now or alot later, do it rite, id be lost w/o my welder(s) (mig n stick)
Post some pics so we can give you some better ideas of what can be done
They bolt into a plate that is attached to the frame. If that plate is bad and you do mess it up, that plate can be cut off and a new/old one can be put on. Shouldn't mess withe the frame at all.

On a side note, become friends with someone that can weld, its well worth it.
The threads pulled out of one hole on my left peg, due to the previous owner. I drilled and tapped it to m12 or m14. Been so long I've forgotten, lol. Needless to say it's not coming out again.
I drilled a bolt in.. Don't recall what but it was like a grade 8 bolt. Works for now but I'll most likely have to weld in the future. Till then I've got a very good amount of playtime.