front brakes...

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Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2009
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well, it seems that i can't get the front brakes back. just installed some speedlinez and tried bleeding them and i just can't get anywhere with them. i have followed the instructions they came with and also used common knowledge while bleeding them. could my master cylinder be shot? it will pump fluid down the lines, but just can't pump fluid through the bleed screw during the process.
I've always had a hard time bleeding the front brakes on quads. The only method i've found that works well so far is to use a vacuum bleeder. The problem is that the master cylinder just compresses the air in the lines instead of pushing the fluid through, and of course the air wants to rise to the top of the lines instead of getting pushed down. I got my vacuum bleeder for cheap from Harbor Freight and it works great for stuff like this, worked good for my truck too.
Could also try taking bleeders out and make sure they are not packed solid with clay or dirt... run a small piece of wire through them to clean em out if dirty.. Other then that i know i had to have someone pump my rears like 3-4 time and then hold it ... then crack bleeder ... pedal (or handle for front) goes down but nothing comes out..then close bleeder ....and have them repeat over an over till the fluid finally started coming out
thanks for the input. i got the brakes bled by myself w/o a bleeder. what i did was take a piece of air tube and put it over the bleeder screw and then got the fluid about half way up the tube. continued with the normal bleeding process and now i have good braking. simple and free.
I still can't get mine. How did you do it blkblzr01?
I don't really understand how the tube makes it different