Going to Powerlines- meet me there guys

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Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2005
Reaction score
Ill be there in a little while.... call my cell 201 316 3421 if you wanna meet up or need directions.

ill post pics when im back
We went on Sat, had 4 of us. I called you, but not sure if we got a call back. We were only able to stay for a little bit (we split around 1 or so) since my friend was having some problems w/ a seal. But we did end up meeting some people who ride there often. I think we may either head back this upcomming weekend, lakehurst, Sarco's, or out near my friend chris's house in browns mills. Not really sure yet but I'll keep you posted. Where we end up going I'll get you directions if you guys want to come along.

By the way how was the riding? It was much nicer of a day for riding today, as compared to yesterday.
yea bro i called back the number on saturday...... guess the phone ****** up because i probs didnt have the right number.

called it again yesterday and there was no answer.

it was good yesterday but my little brother blew his tire out

how deep did you go? did you make it too the pits or the sandhills?
Bah that sux we missed the call. Ehh well I'll get in touch via PM w/ my number.
We went down the main trail to where it opened up to the main area, and then from there we stayed on the left hand side and got as far as the trail w/ the whoops that goes to the left, then we went down that just past the puddle. Other than that, we didn't go far, we just hung out and hit some small jumps, and stuff like that.
Sux that his tire blew out, can you patch it or is it shot?
naa bro its shot...... that sucks that i missed you guys.

i had alotta stuff to take care of on saturday.

next weekend hopefully
Yea, as I said just before things are still up in the air. I'll get in touch when I know anything more definate.