Well-Known Member
Well me and bro finaly went out together to go riding. It was supose to be 3 warriors but it was only 2 becasue ben (93warriorridr) never showed up. But anyways it was raining all day, there was still snow on the ground, and it was somewhat cold out but we made the best out of it. It was a blast. We went to these trails that i knew about, i didnt think they were that great intill today. We found some more trails that broke off from them and we found this bowl that had all these hillclimbs it was sick.
Only 2 bad things happend the whole day. I fipped my warrior on this really slick hillclimb. I also had a warriors worst dream :-/ my chain poped off my back sprocket
.....i could of had a broke case if i was going fast. Good thing i was going super duper slow and it just poped off and i didnt move so i was hmmm i must of poped the chain....It was all good after that.
P.S. the fox floats are amazing.
Only 2 bad things happend the whole day. I fipped my warrior on this really slick hillclimb. I also had a warriors worst dream :-/ my chain poped off my back sprocket
P.S. the fox floats are amazing.