Heavy Metal Band Names

Yamaha Raptor 350 & Warrior Forum

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Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2005
Reaction score
Garden City, Mo
hey guys we still have not decided on our band name. we are gonna like heavy metal, we need some band names..plz help us out!!!!!!
you want the name the sound like the music? jus make it rahhhhbahhgrffjdiisrahhhhrahrahrah
sounds good. nah j/k i dont liek the metal stuff maybe like Cold Blooded or sumthin, hell idk.

Mass murder

Domination nation

Essence of perfection



If i heard your music i could make better ones, theres so many diffrent kinds of metal and all need diffrent name types haha.

Mass murder

Domination nation

Essence of perfection



If i heard your music i could make better ones, theres so many diffrent kinds of metal and all need diffrent name types haha.

There, i liked the second one, the fourth one, and the last one!!!
Are you going to make true metal or that harcore/screaming ****? If you aren't true I will suggest nothing!
yea i dont liek that stuff, all you can hear is rahhhhhhhh rahhh rahh rahh the whole damn song, aint gotta have no talent fo that
Timmy and the lords of the underworld! All you have to do is go "Timmay" every once in a while while your buddies thrash away at their instruments like maniacs.

(for you guys that don't watch south park this one will be over your head)
I think I better get him back on his meds....

Where do you come up with this ****, WS?
[quote:3wnjlz6f]''lifes edge'', ''lonely death'', ''satrudays pain'', ''boneyard'', ''bloodbath'', ''suffocated by life''

I like "being Suffocated By Sweaty Ballsacks"[/quote:3wnjlz6f]