Heel Guards vs. Nerf's

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Jan 4, 2006
Reaction score
Odessa, FL
I've got my 87 Warrior just abour running and I want to add something to keep from running over my leg if my feet slip off the pegs. I plan on using this for just fun trail riding, no racing.

Everyone seems to recommend getting nerfs, but I'm wondering why? It would seem like the nerfs would be helpful if you are racing to keep people from hitting your leg, but seems like it would be more likely to get hung up on stuff during trail riding and add more weight compared to just heel guards.

Can someone explain the benefit of nerfs over just heel guards for my application?


You said you have a 87-right?You can forget about the heel guards,they will not bolt up to your frame.I bought a set on e-bay last year and learned that the pegs and frame are different for that year.Nerfs are the way to go anyway,I think-so no biggie ;)
I have an 89 and I have seen guys rig the heel guards with like 5 wire ties, it holds up, also they drill the holes into the pegs, I dont know if thew peg itself is different on an 87. You should be able to make the guards work if u want to weld a tiny block onto the frame to mount the heel guard support to. Mike
How much difference was there between the later model heel guards and your 87? I though about trying that, but I bought a set of Raptor 660 heel guards and foot pegs, and they were actually pretty close. The biggest thing was that the heel guards were wider that the existing fenders, so I would have to trim them down and bend the brackets to fit. I decided to hold off on that until I decided what to do. I have a machine shop, so I'm thinking about making some unless I can find some aftermarket ones.

Why are the nerfs so great? (not being a smarta**, just wondering)
All I am saying is stock heelguargs will not just bolt up-87 is sucky for aftermarket.Good nerfs are safer anyway.
well i dont have nerfs, but those are probably the next thing i HAVE to buy. its been about 3 times that i have been railing a berm real hard in a turn, and ive gotten a tree jammed inbetween my pegs and back wheels, its an instant throw-you-off manuever. ive also railed the back left tire against my brothers front tire, he was coming around a turn on a tight trail on our property, and we both tried to get out of the way and my back heelguard drilled his front tire, it bent my axle and nothing happend to his. id say go with the nerfs, they keep you from getting hung up on trees, or other riders!
main reason i bought nerfs is bc i dont want my foot slipping off of the front of the peg and falling down until the tire catches your foot and breaks your leg. Thats my only reason, it has save my legs before and any quad i buy will get them asap!
Exactly, the way I see it is that the heel guards can be built fairly easily. But like xj4me said, I want as much inbetween me, the ground, and the back tire. Especially with woods riding, w/ the mud, stream crossings (if any), whoops, and branches near your feet, jumping, and god knows what else is in the woods, your feet will end up being more slippery then dry shoe soles.
It's just one big thing inbetween you and the ground (if your foot hits the ground, it's going to be pulled under your tire anyway, would you want there to be another piece of metal bending your leg in ways science can't fix w/o plates and pins or some netting to catch it).
My foot has slipped off my pegs been Much more often for me then my foot getting pulled under my back tire b/c of a lack of a heel guard. In fact I have yet to have my foot get pulled under my rear tire (knock on wood).
After today I think I'd recommend nerfs. I don't have any now but think I'll add them to my list of needed items. I had a crash where my foot slipped off the peg and then my foot got caught under my tire with the peg stuck in the bend of my knee. Luckily I was almost stopped when this happened so my only injury is some scrapes on the back of my leg/bend of knee. Glad I had my boots on. Anyway I think nerfs are a good idea.If you can cut,weld,etc to mount the heel gaurds, even better.
And don't worry about the nerfs getting you stuck. I've never been stuck or hung up because of my nerfs. Best bet is to get the nerfs and fabricate some heal guards yourself.
I personally think the stock heel guards are just junk..plastic crap..anybody else besides IMS make them aftermarket?