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Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2005
Reaction score
So i havent really searched the forum in a few days, and when I logged in today, I had a pm waiting for me, which said

hey my friend jigolbeep told me about you, he told me that you could wup his ass in a drag race so bad, well im like his little brother and i can beat your ass in the snap of a finger lol but hey no hard feelings
I wont reveal the name of who sent it, but what I want to know is where the **** did I EVER say a damn thing to jigolbeep about drag racing, or even a negative comment? and for those who know me know that i could care less for drag racing, they know all I talk abotu is mx. So is this membersomehow reaching out to me trying to be a friend, or starting drama :p
sounds like some 9 year old kid trying to sound cool/tough or something. yeah since when does klutch give a damn about drag racing...i'll tell ya when, never haha.
I'm sorry, I should have never sent that Pm. Will you be my friend? ;D
bahahahahahahahahahahahahahHAAHHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA that **** is funny, clutch dont let a little 7 year old get ya worked up, everyone knows dragging is for *******
Im not even worked up, I find it quite humoreous that someone would do that, with what looks like to me no justification becuase after reviewing my last 20 odd posts its nothing but either positive, sarcastic, or the pictures of my quad or me riding.