How hard is it???

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Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2006
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Right behind you!
How hard is it to replace a center case? Becuase my left center case has a broken peace on one of the chain slides broken off and i want to replace it. I have never been this far into an engine. I really want to take it apart anyways becasue we think we lost a circlip for the pisin in it and i dont want that grinding up my gears. Is just takin off the left center case hard does **** fly out at you or is it just slide off and slide back on. All i know so far is that i need to get the flywheel pulled off.

Also if anybody can help me out with a left center case that would be great becaue i cant find any for a reasonable price also i need a stock cam if anybody has one sitting around.
Not too hard to do at all. I did mine last summer. Once you have the head and jug off, you will need to remove your stator, and flywheel. Once you have all that off, take out all the case bolts, and put the motor on the right side.(left side up), Then i used a deadblow mallet, and tapped the cases all around. then i was able to slide the left side case off the crank and output shaft, leaving all the tranny intact in the right side case.

I have 2 stock cams as well.....