How much $ to mount tires

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Im gettin new tires soon and I called 3 places and they all wanted at least $30 EACH to dismount and mount. At that price it would be cheaper to order tires and rims and throw the old rims in the trash. What do you guys pay? Is it easy to do yourself?
"IF" your old tires are trash, and you don't have any other way to break the bead on them, cut them off. It's always nice to have a spare though. The new ones go on real easy. If you don't have the air pressure to seat the bead, use ether. Put the tire on the rim, sit it flat on the ground (outside), and spray a little ether all around the top of the tire where it sits on the rim. Make sure the core is out of your valve stems before you light it, and watch it puff up like a marshmallow. It will bead itself and then shrink again. Put the core back in the valve, fill it up with air and put some water around the bead and watch for bubbles. If you see any small bubbles, bounce the tire off the floor real hard a few times. Believe it or not this will make the bead seal a little better sometimes and stop the leak. Just be careful if you go the ether route. DO NOT light it directly. Light a piece of paper or something and toss it on from a few feet away. Sounds sketchy, but works great if you don't have the air pressure to seat them. I've done it a bunch of times and have only lost two tires and three fingers so far ;D
ive heard one of the best ways to get em off is deflate them, and then run just the tire part over with a car tire, or jack a car up, put the edge of the atv tire under the car tire, and let er down, sounds easy, but ive never tried it
30 each...............yikes. Are ya sure they didnt quote a price for the set?
Yep $30 each, when I caught my breath I asked if that was for each and they said yeah. Living in or near Chicago sucks sometimes cause prices are high for alot of things. I can get a car tire dismounted plugged remounted balanced and installed on a car for $7 but they dont want to touch atv tires. Im gonna check around at some independent shops farther away but I will probably just order wheels/tires since I did want wider offset rims anyway.
30 $ to mout and dismount all 4 tires at my yamaha. the first when i was getting new stocks i called a place and they told me like 100$ i just hug up a cut them off witch is a pain but i wasnt payin 100 somethin to change tires.
I just change my tires myself, I have a beadbreaker so its not that hard to do. and $30 a tire thats just ridiculous
Did you ask them if that price was with or without K-Y? :eek:

Good question! I wondered why the guy asked me if I had a pretty mouth and ever wore a dress.
Ive found most car places dont like messing with them that is why they charge a high fee. My local Honda/yamaha dealer wont mount tires you didnt buy from them either. I finally found a guy at a tire place that rides quads and he did it for $10 a wheel.

Depending on where you get them, you can be better off to buy rims. There is a dealer on ebay saleing 4 ITP wheels with Holeshot HD's for $399
ive heard one of the best ways to get em off is deflate them, and then run just the tire part over with a car tire, or jack a car up, put the edge of the atv tire under the car tire, and let er down, sounds easy, but ive never tried it

Tried it with a truck, didnt work, will work on car tires though.
Find a local Bling Wheel shop. They have the machine needed to dismount/mount ATV tires.

Standard old school wheel clamp machines WILL NOT go to the small rim sizes we have.

A Bling machine Clamps the Inside Or OUTSIDE of the rim.

And for the OP:
10 bucks mounted/dismounted. 14 on the quad.
Thanks guys, I knew it was crazy. Im looking around more or just buying wheels and keeping the originals as spares or selling them here or on ebay. Appreciate all the responses.