How to bypass safety switches on handlebars?

Yamaha Raptor 350 & Warrior Forum

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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2013
Reaction score
Gretna, VA
I installed a fly racing clutch on my warrior and unplugged the safety wires and left them all separate but now my reverse doesn't work, it shuts of as soon as you pull the lever back. Do i need to tie certain wires together or what?
I installed a fly racing clutch on my warrior and unplugged the safety wires and left them all separate but now my reverse doesn't work, it shuts of as soon as you pull the lever back. Do i need to tie certain wires together or what?

the wires from the clutch lever need plugged into each other (the harness side plugged into itself and the lever side connected to itself) that will bypass your clutch safety switch and the parking brake wires just tape off seperate. If thats your only problem ya should be good to go after that...does the clutch disengage comepletely? Kinda sounds like its not disengaging and stalling may need to adjust cable...
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So you plug the two wires together for the thing that was plugged into the clutch? I put on a old dirtbike perch i had laying around and just have the plug that went into the stock perch just zip ty'd to the bars and my quad runs fine.
I accidentally clipped the connectors off and have no idea where they are. i remember one connector had a black wire and a black wire with a white stripe and the other one had a black one and a green one with a yellow stripe, how do i need to go about tying them together
Not sure if these are the right ones but the one for the clutch is a black wire and a black wire with yellow stripe. I connected those together and it seems to run good, but the real test will be this sunday in my race.