Hubs :/ need some help asap

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Nov 28, 2013
Reaction score
South Jersey
So i bought some tires and rims for my warrior from a friend and i just figured the rims would bolt right up cause they were yam. Didnt think to measure em dumb on my part but the hub i have is 4.0" i need a 4.5 is there spacers/adapters out there anywhere or does anyone have any suggestions or some extra 4.5s layin around they arnt using i could get im located in south jersey at the bottom of the deleware bridge and also the tims off a raptor 660 so 11" rim from lip to lip or does anyone know if raptor hubs will on my axle(stock)

NEED HELP ASAP please.....
350,660's, 700's, YFZ's, They all will fit your stock axle. Blasters hubs will fit also but it change's the bolt pattern so you can no longer run your OEM rims, you would have to run blaster rims.
Being that his bolt pattern on the rims he bought is smaller, Id almost think blaster hubs would be the way to get the bought rims bolted on and should be relatively cheap. Im sure some one thats had or worked on a blaster will chime in and say if thats for sure what you need
Blaster hubs are 110mm between centers and warrior are 115mm. I wonder if maybe he has blaster hubs on his warrior and needs warrior hubs. Best I can suggest is to measure across the rim from center to center and see what it is. FYI 4.5" is damn near 115mm which is the models Beastmode17 listed. If you got the rims from a raptor 660 and your hubs are too small, you have blaster hubs and need warrior, raptor 350,660,700 or yfz hubs.
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