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Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2005
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I read about this tested product(tested with a honda 450r unfortunately) and they said that it it makes it easier to start during any kind of weather, gives you more intensity and durability from your sparks plugs spark, and they also say it revs better throttle response and that they could feel the increase in power. I went to the site and they said they make it for the rator 350 but is said beside it "all years" so I'm guessing that means it will work on the warrior too. I really wanna try this product. Has anyone else heard anything about it???
Go to this link..and choose 350 warrior from the drop down box. Its there.
Ive heard ONLY good things about it, Its one of the best mods for instant power. I ve read alot of reviews and its an instant 2-4 hp depending on pipe, jet, air filter..and so on


I personally wouldnt use it on a warrior..it produces a stronger longer burn....and i dont trust that on an air cooled quad.
The dyna and other rev boxes increase your spark energy as well, the timing is what'll screw with your motor. If you run too much advance or retard it'll overheat or cause some serious detonation. This might be a good mod but probably not worth the 160 or so bucks.
ya I don't want a dyna box or preformance CDI they cost a lot more. And plus like you said they will **** with my timing, and I just did my timing. I just want better spark because my quad is hard to start in the cold weather but hwne shes warm or hot she starts right away.