jumping question

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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2005
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ok, i feel like a ******* for asking this but oh well. where i normally ride there are a few jumps out there that i've been hitting lately. they are kinda like tabletops but there is no downhill landing. basically the area after the jump stays at the same height. anyway, there isnt much of an area before the jump so maybe speed is my problem. when i hit the jumps, it feels like my front end comes way up but my rear tires hardly leave the ground. when i land, i'm obviously landing on just my rear tires. any advice on what i'm doing wrong?
That's a rough one. Reason being is that if you have enough space, you should hit your rear brake to drop your front end a little bit, but it sounds like you don't. The only thing I can think of is Not to have the trottle pinned when you take off. I'd try letting off the throttle when like 1/2 of your quad was at the lip of the jump, so the rear tires won't as much of a centrifugal force on the postitioning of your quad. While in the air (for the time you are in the air). You can still try hitting the back brake, you may skid a little on the landing, but it may even you out a tad, especially if your rear wheels aren't trying to push you upright (by letting off the gas before they leave the lip of the jump/hit). Other then those little things, another you can try is physically pushing forward on your handle bars a little, that should level you out some. One big concern with that is if you still land rear wheels heavy, the front end may be jerked out of your hands. You should be able to control the quad a decent amount while in the air just due to body english, and force of your arms.

Sorry is all I can think of at the moment, had a bit to drink tonight (children don't follow my example, just listen to what I say to do, if it won't get you in trouble with the rents or the law :p)
What i do for the technical rythem sections, Just keep your chin over the front bars. The entire time i have been at the track i have never used the rear brake. It neverf worked for me. Just keep your chin over your handle bars and the front end wil drop in the air and level out. If the front goes to low then just gas it in the air. I do that EVERY jump, help me land rear tires first and a better take off when I land.
just a question: how tall are you and how much do you weigh? im 6ft and 215 with a decent amount of muscle and i dont have too much problem man-handling the warrior on a jump. i normally blip the throttle when the front tires are about to reach the lip of the jump. i was taught on little single jumps (basically what you are doing, landing to flat) to just blip it with enough power to do a small wheelie. i let off the throttle when i am almost to the takeoff moving at a good pace in either mid second (so you have enough response to pop off the lip) or low third (if im feeling a little crazy and want to just air it straight to flat). if you are landing to flat, you want to make sure you land rear tires first (both at the same time), with the front end up a little (not 12ing it or you could bend your axle). if you are riding doubles i would assume that you could try downsiding the landing a little, but it depends on your riding/jumping style and if you have to balls to risk clipping the landing at the lip with your fronts and end up over the bars. i would also recommend landing with the throttle on, not full throttle, but about where you where when you went up to the jump. use your body weight to move your quad where you want it. if you dont have enough weight, use the momentum of the tires, suspension, brakes, and pulling up/pushing down on the bars. if you could get some video of you jumping we could probably help more. good luck and wear your helmet!
i'm 5-10 and about 160. by no means a big guy. when i hit the jump, i'm probably at half throttle in second. the jump is probably about 4 feet high and fairly steep. i dont think it is a 45 but still pretty steep. i've tried to let off the throttle right before my back wheels take off, and it throws me foward. maybe i just havent been prepared for it. i know it is kinda hard to critique a jump just by me explaining what is going on. maybe when my brother comes to town again, i can get a video. he has the same problem too. i just need to practice practice practice. any oh yea, i never ride without a helmet. helmet is a minimum. usually boots, knee pads, chest protector, gloves and helmet.
Have you tried to physically man-handle the quad, and Push the bars forward to get the nose to drop? and when your riding up the face of the jump, when near the peak of it, what's your body position? are you sitting? leaning towards the front, neutral (in the "attack" position) those kinds of things will help us see what you can do to change the landings a bit.
i've been trying to stay in the attack position but i could be wrong. i'm wondering if i'm leaning a bit foward, kinda like shifting your weight foward when hillclimbing, because the jump is on the steep side. i havent really tried to man-handle the quad. what sucks is that when i land, i'm totally out of control. a few times some of those crazy trees have tried to jump out at me. i usually ride up there with my dad so i might have him check out my stance. the only problem is that he isnt a sport rider and knows nothing about the sport. i'm supposed to get my steering stabilizer tomorrow so i'm hoping that i'll be riding up there in the next few days. i'll try to pay more attention to things.
i've tried to let off the throttle right before my back wheels take off, and it throws me foward.

okay, i just have to say, DONT LET OFF THE THROTTLE IN THAT SITUATION! sorry, but thats when you nose dive and potentially have a little meeting with something i like to call, dirt and pain! you want to just blip the throttle a little to keep the front end up once the front end clears the lip. thats why you blip the throttle when your front tires are close to the lip, to keep your front end up. if i could see the jump or ride on it, it would be a lot easier to show you how to jump it and give pointers. good luck!
do you think that i'm not hitting it with enough speed? almost as if the front gets the height it needs, but there isnt enough "umph" to kick the back end up? i dont want to hit the thing fullbore and make things even worse, but i have been up there before with a couple of guys on their ex's and they were hitting the jumps just fine. i was still recovering from a broken collar bone at the time so i didnt try to hit it. i'm fine on the smaller jumps so i'll just keep at it. i appreciate everyone's tips. found out my brother wont be home until labor day so i wont get a video made until then. hopefully, i'll have it down by that point in time.
heres a quick suggestion that usually helps me out: you know in all the atv games and you "preload" the suspension, try and do just that, lean back approaching the jump, and as soon as you barely are in the air ram it forward, this actually does give you slightly more air time, getting higher off the ground. but just try thata quick stab at the handlebars does alot, good luck!
Id hate to tell ya but your not going fast enough if your back wheels aint leaving the ground. I had the same problem with my warrior. The front end comes up like 3 or 4 feet and the back tires just roll off the jump. try a lot faster if you dare youl come off the ground
heres a quick suggestion that usually helps me out: you know in all the atv games and you "preload" the suspension, try and do just that, lean back approaching the jump, and as soon as you barely are in the air ram it forward, this actually does give you slightly more air time, getting higher off the ground. but just try thata quick stab at the handlebars does alot, good luck!
An easier way to ptr-load is just lock your legs before the jump.