Yamaha Raptor 350 & Warrior Forum

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Sep 23, 2007
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Hey Guys just completing my 88 Warrior that had a blown stock motor so I installed a 2003 KTM 250 SX motor in it.I was shocked how easy the job was.I basically swapped all the stuff from the a motocross bike(bought all parts off KTM TALK)and made a few mounts.I used a 88 Kawi Ninja 250 Radiator that mounts up front perfectly and has a metal mesh guard already on it. I have the twist throttle,the Magura Hyd Clutch(1 finger easy)and even a FMF Powercore Silencer.
I installed a 13T front sprocket and 45T Rear Which should Rev quickly.I have a 14T handy also if I think it is geared to low.
I need to take some pics(It is incredible how small the KTM motor is mounted in the frame.I believe it has almost a foot clearence under it.)I know the weight difference is amazing as well.
Yesterday I mixed up some Fuel filled her 1/2 way,got on pulled the choke on and started kicking it over.I gave it about 3 kicks and it fired right up!!!
I have a 2006 KTM 250SX dirtbike and you can feel the vibes much more on it.
I have not took her for a spin yet but can tell you the power(51HP)is gonna be very exciting with double the power.
I will keep you posted after a ride
Hey how do you like the hydrolic clutch i just bought mine. Got it in yesterday and i forgot to order the oil so now im waiting on that. Is it easy to set up? Everyone told me i was stupid for spending 200 on it but i think it will be well worth it. But yeah get some pics up.
Hey Guys I took it for a quick test spin today.The motor is real crisp and the throttle response is instant.I Kicked it over and let it warm up a few minutes,then pulled in the hyd clutch and popped it in first.I barely twisted the throttle and the front end was skimming off the ground.I cannot believe the power of this thing!!Full throttle is gonna be sick!!!!
I then took it down my street maybe giving 1/4 throttle max,I went through 3 gears and the front end was dancing the whole time.I will post pics tomorrow(Quad is not all that appealing)
I made my own Rear Fenders but just today put on some factory ones.
I am going to my buddys 3 acre backyard tomorrow to give this baby a handful of throttle(I hope).I will post a report.I


Dont laugh too much I am working on it.How about that Honda VFR Seat?It is not pretty but runs like heck
Damn, I think the fenders really add to the overall image. To me, it kinda looks like an evil, thrown together machine. :D