Lessoned well learned

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Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2005
Reaction score
We'll after the track today, I learned something new.
Dont take things for granit! Last time, I had my first fall at the track, helmet flew off yada yada, I thought that was just a one time deal, but early on I had a close call, so i decided to put on all my gear, and my strap my helmet. Wow, talk abotu lucky, abotu 5 laps racing with a 450r, i land one of the step up side ways.
Chest protector now has a big crack from a rock i Landed on, and my helmet is all scratched up.
So what im getting at is telling ya'll, wear your riding gear. Whos knows what coulda happened if i didnt have4 my chest protector or didnt have my helmet strapped on.

I must say though now that i look back on it it was kinda funny, the dude on the 450r freaked out lol.
a while back i had one of those goofy-ass carter brothers off road karts. we took it and the quad off the trailer and decided we didnt want to leave the truck and trailer where it was at. there were three of us, so i got on the kart and my brother on the quad and my dad in the truck. we were crusin up the road just to move the truck and then we were gonna suit up. well, first turn, i flip the kart and slice my noggin open and had to spend the night in ICU.

i totally agree with you, klutch. even if you arent gonna be riding long, you never know what could happen. better safe than sorry
Im with death


Actually I always wear a helmet and pants with boots but thats about all the protection I need

I dont race so If I get myself into a situation that I get into trouble in its because I was stupid more than anything else
I dont race so If I get myself into a situation that I get into trouble in its because I was stupid more than anything else[/quote]

Just because someones stupid doesn't mean they have to die or get hospitalized. Have you EVER made a mistake or bad judgement? If you havent (***** stop lyin'), save your money because youre perfect and will never need any protection . Im glad most quad riders seem to wear helmets cause most motorcyclists around me dont (stupid *****).