Hi Wolve,
I had my swingarm out this last spring & is not too bad. I saw your post with water in the fuel & liked it. I would recomend getting a repare cd off e-bay for less than $10.00 it helped me. From what I can remember here is the short version:
Check rear wheal bearings for play, now is a good time to do them if needed. Remove shock, remove wheels, hubs,hang caliper,remove brake stay. Drive axle to the left to remove. Unbolt differential,slide off drive shaft. Your wheel bearings and seals are not going to be any easier to do than at this point. Loosen forward boot. Allen wrench?? on right swing arm bullet to remove. Metric socket on other side. I didnt replace my bearings but did grease them. Check u-joint. Reassemble. Remember I am working off of memory and would suggest the cd. Have Dad help you block up and support the quad safely so it cant tip on you. It's not a five minute job but you can do it. Wear safety glasses, good luck & welcome.