My early Christmas Present

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2011
Reaction score
6 week old Female 50% Husky 50% Lab

Man she's purdy,, husky and lab she's going to be super smart!!! I have two chows one black lab mixed and one gold lab mixed,,,
I have a border collie, healer cross. He has one blue, and one brown eye. lol
His name is Gabbro, named after the rock formation of the same colors.

He had just got into the garbage in this pic, and was in ****..
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I have a border collie, healer cross. He has one blue, and one brown eye. lol
His name is Gabbro, named after the rock formation of the same colors.

He had just got into the garbage in this pic, and was in ****..
That's a good looking dog!

He gets in **** for going in the garage? You must have a nice garage lol
That's a good looking dog!

He gets in **** for going in the garage? You must have a nice garage lol
He's a pain in the ass.. And I said Garbage, not Garage.
But he can stay outta there to. lol

He gets bored really easy. I wish I lived on a acreage, and had some livestock for him to herd..
i dont have pics of my dogs... i have a miniature dachshund and she's black and tan and registered. and i have a full blood female boxer thats registered with 2 of the things (idr which ones off the top of my head)
I've got two Labs, both male, one black and the other yellow and I have A. female Fawn Pit, guess who runs the show, lol! Actually they all get along great and our Pit fits the family especially well, she's the most loving of my 3. I'd like to have 10 more just like her, 2@ a time Ofcourse, lol! I'll post a pic if I find a good one.