lol no you cant wreck it pelphrey lol, yeah this bike is CRAZY fast, that full system tri oval does wonders, theirs a good reason it looks brand new, it is! the guy i bougth it form never rode it, the tires still have the nipple thingys lol. i tried convincing my dad into letting me keep the warrior as a trail bike and me keep the z as a trakc bike, but no go :'(
now you dont have to deal with my old 4" sig.
no, i tried to keep it as a back up quad but i just dont have any room for it, i have the z in the house now
( which i prefer) my warrior earned its spot in the garage, it'll stay their untill i sell it.
your mean to your warrior ... WARRIOR ABUSE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^lets build up dirt on the sides of it and use it as a jump only for warriors