need some help, BIG decision

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Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2005
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well guys, i want to get into racing, so modding out my z would definetly be a priority, but at the same time, i just got into jetski's, and i live about ten feet from a lake, well really 3 big ass connected lakes.
my problem is i dont know what to do, buy a ski(stand up) or mod out the z.
i have about 300 saved up rigth now, and my b-day is in exactly 2 months. so that'll rack in abotu another 200, and the money i get doing random chores around the nieghborhood will boost that up a bit. So i guess im saying i dont know what to do with this money.

If i decide to use it on the z it will most likely go to an extended axle, and a new bumper.
If i decide to buy a ski, then i guess i'll just have the best of both worlds, and even more fun times with my friends since they all have ski's.

the plus to the standup ski is that i get way more time to ride it( whenever i want since i live right by the lake) and just some fun whenever.

a plus to modding the z.... well who wouldnt want a badass bumper and axle ;)

what would ya'll so in my situation, taikng everyhting i said into consideration...
I wouldn't buy a new bumper with my money. That isn't going to do anything to the z in the performance area.

If keeping the z and getting the ski is an option thats the one I would pick.
I wouldn't buy a new bumper with my money. That isn't going to do anything to the z in the performance area.

If keeping the z and getting the ski is an option thats the one I would pick.
well a bumper is a neccessity, i bent the old one, and it wont fit back on, bending it is always an option though.
im leaning towards the ski.....
Well even a bumper isn't too expensive. It sounded like you were leaning towards the ski in the 1st post. I am just trying to talk you into it. It sucks when all your friends have something, and you don't and have to ride. Sounds like it would be very accessible for you, and even then if you didn't want it anymore I am sure you could sell it in a heart beat (doubt that will happen ;) ;) )

But it’s your money (or your parents, which is cool if they would be me one I would ride it too I am 2 minutes from the river). You do what you want to do of course.
well guys, i want to get into racing, so modding out my z would definetly be a priority, but at the same time, i just got into jetski's, and i live about ten feet from a lake, well really 3 big ass connected lakes.
my problem is i dont know what to do, buy a ski(stand up) or mod out the z.
i have about 300 saved up rigth now, and my b-day is in exactly 2 months. so that'll rack in abotu another 200, and the money i get doing random chores around the nieghborhood will boost that up a bit. So i guess im saying i dont know what to do with this money.

If i decide to use it on the z it will most likely go to an extended axle, and a new bumper.
If i decide to buy a ski, then i guess i'll just have the best of both worlds, and even more fun times with my friends since they all have ski's.

the plus to the standup ski is that i get way more time to ride it( whenever i want since i live right by the lake) and just some fun whenever.

a plus to modding the z.... well who wouldnt want a badass bumper and axle ;)

what would ya'll so in my situation, taikng everyhting i said into consideration...

I use to be into skis man - it gets old real quick.
It's a tough call, you seem to be leaning towards a ski, but with the distance you'd be travelling with your friends a stand-up is harsh in rough conditions, and you can't bring a chic out on them. But they are more fun. I think if you were to geta sit-down, you would see more of a comfort, and still be able to have some fun on it. look at the Ultra 150's if you look at a sit down. They have 150 hp, 1200cc I believe, 2 seater also. A friend used to have one, and he could jump waves and such, but was still Very quick (up to 72-74 mph) and most stand-ups can reach like 30... The axle, and motor mods for the Z will always be there. And if you don't like the ski, you can sell it and get the bolt on's for the Z. But you can atleast rest assured that you tried it and it got old.
I would keep the z and mod the **** out of it. The water does get old quick and you can ride a quad all year round if you want to.
get the ski instead of the axel and ****, if ure gonna be out with ure friends with it, its prolly worth it
I'd go for the jetski. I havent been on one for a few years :(, but I know I had a blast with them whenever I did get an opportunity to ride one.
well the ski was gonna buy this weekend is gonan be a no go, the guy ended up giving it AWAY to one of his friends.....

looks liek modding the z is gonna end up happening if i cant find another good deal :(
I predict plenty of rough waters in the near future, and not from the waves!!! ;D
lol, i would love a sit down, but im paying for everything and know i cant afford one, im going tomorrow to talk to this guy who owns some sort of jetski dealership( gave my neighbor a free stand up, and a great deal on a sitdown), he lives right next to me so i think ill get lucky :cool:
lol, i would love a sit down, but im paying for everything and know i cant afford one, im going tomorrow to talk to this guy who owns some sort of jetski dealership( gave my neighbor a free stand up, and a great deal on a sitdown), he lives right next to me so i think ill get lucky :cool:
YOu'll get luckier than you think if you get a girl to sit down on your..........