neutral chatter

Yamaha Raptor 350 & Warrior Forum

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My Raptor 350 has about 15 hours on it. Recently I noticed that when I stop and put it in neutral and let out the clutch there is a chattering sound. It's not real loud but I can feel it through the pegs. When I pull the clutch back in it goes away. I'm not sure if it's a problem or if the engine just needs to be broken in or adjusted. Has anyone else had this problem with a new Raptor?
Doesn't sound like a good thing. I'm thinking that maybe the big nut that holds the clutch boss on has loosened and is allowing free play on the splines, causing that chattering sound. I'd be worried about it, because I never heard one do that before.
Also another thing it could be is the basket has worn.... but in a machine this new its highly unlikely it has worn that much that fast. Its most likely in the clutch.... so take it back to the dealer and have them look at it with 15 hours it should still have a warrenty.
I have noticed it does not do it when I rest my fingers on the clutch. Maybe it just needs adjusted. I have found others that have had the same problem.
Take it back if it's still under warranty, the clutch won't make noise unless there's something wrong with it. The adjustment won't fix it.
With 15 hrs you better bring it back to the dealer, and they can't find anything, go to another dealer.