It depends on what's uncomfortable about the stock handlebars to you. As far as the different bends go, it's personal opinion. I thought the stock bars were too tall and swept back, it felt like riding a harley to me. I got a cheap set of moose steel bars in the CR low bend and they are more comfortable to me sitting down, but standing up i'd rather have them taller (i'm 5'11" if that helps) The steel bars are ok, but if you get a set of alumium ones they may be a little more comforable for long rides because they have a little flexibility, and it won't wear your arms and wrists out quite as bad. The aluminums will also be lighter of course, but will bend easier in a rollover. Not that the bars bending is necessarily a bad thing though, a set of cheap aluminum handlebars is cheaper and easier to replace than a steering stem. With my bars I just barely had enough room for all the controls and the handgrips, I had to cut part of my right handgrip off to get it to fit when I added my powermadds. If you want something with more room, the raptor bend bars are narrower in the center, so there's more room for the controls. I need to get a new set of bars sometime because mine are a little twisted from my last crash, i'm getting a set of Tusk t10's in the raptor bend.