new shifter

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I know this has been coverd before but i can't find exactly what i'm looking for. I wanted to know if the yz250f shifter is in a higher position then the stock raptor shifter? I hope it is because i just ordered one.
to get the shifter in a higher postion all you have to do is take the shifter link off the splines and postion it higher.
oh ****. that sucks. so will the yz 250f shifter be able to be higher?
Yeah, but I hope you have big feet cause it's longer than the factory one.
No problem it's about 1/4 of inch longer.

Here's mine I got it from Dennis Kirk for like $10, it's an EMGO cheapy.


Mine was a cheap Tusk one from RMATV and it was definately more than 1/4" longer. I had to actually move my foot forward just to shift, it sucked. Don't know what the difference is, but maybe stay away from the Tusk one.

I should also note that mine wasn't bent anywhere near like that one, so who know's....
well i just orderd the tusk one from rmatv. I wear size 12 boots. so i should be fine. thanks for the input guys.
Who know's, they could have sent me the wrong one or You'll love how it feels though, no more notchy feeling.
dose the banshee shifter also work as a direct bolt on?

there are a few new yz250f shifters on ebay, buy it now for 17.00
i've been thinking about doing this too because my shifter has lots of play in it :'(
I wouldn't call that a case saver, it's more like a sprocket guard. It does look nice though....
That is a noss machine case saver. It does have a nice billit aluminum chunk inside the case, remember billit is a lot stroger then cast, it's not bullit proof and will break but at least simple chain pops won't destroy your case.