new yfz owner!!!!!!!!!!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2006
Reaction score
West Virginia
Well guys I cant believe it, sold the warrior today and bought an 04 yfz450 ;D :cool:. The guy lives close and said I can make payments on it so im all excited. Took it for a ride today and all I can say is its awesome. I was coming out of turns in 3rd pullen power wheelys damn I love this thing. I was too busy to take any pictures but should get some in a few days.
Congrats man, hope it treats you good and you have fun with it.
another warrior bites the dust. good luck with the yfz.
Sorry guys, couldnt resist. No one else was pulling any april fools jokes so, APRIL FOOLS! On a serious note I'm desperate to get rid of the warrior so I'm gona list it for 1750 and sell it for 1600. If no one buys it at that price then they are just stupid and dont deserve a good quad.
[quote:4swrr4v3]Its April???

Hmmm, i was trying to see if anyone would think im an idiot but i guess u all knew i was going for the April fools joke. But if anyone didnt get it April fools!!![/quote:4swrr4v3]
I found that comment hilarious.