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ya i was trying to figure out the fuel problem also, you could jet a little on the rich side i guess but that might affect normal riding, it is probably not a big shot, maybe 5 hp but when you only have 30, thats a good boost, I may try it but not sure, I would want it more hidden so my friends couldn't use it as an excuse for me beating them, i'm not even gonna tell them about the 366 kit for awhile, just tell them my warrior must have ran good that day lol
dosnt it just shoot the nitrus in the air filter box to carb boot. Idd try just for ***** and giggles. I saw that kit and in the summer i thought about giving it a try on one of my mopeds hahahahhahaha damn some of the hills around here are killers lmao
Yea that's what it does, but the extra oxygen might make it run so lean that it damages the piston. I wouldn't risk it until I did the proper research.
Only 40 bucks to burn a hole in your piston - YAY!

It just looks like a good way to **** something up seriously. When you spray nitrous you need a way to add fuel to keep the a/f ratio right. Nitrous isn't really something to just experiment with, unless you have an extra engine sitting around. Plenty of guys have blown their motors just because they ran out of fuel or the fuel pump cut out while they were spraying nitrous. Not a whole lot different than just running nitrous without also increasing the fuel.
Big plus to Greg on this one. You have to add fuel when adding oxgen otherwise you will burn your engine down. On this kit there is no way to do it other then some type of enricher or jet the carb really rich.. then the bike would run like **** with out it and have no power.
This kit is the biggest waste of money.
I do think NOS is the cheapest and best/easy way to make HP out of any engine when done right.
Only 40 bucks to burn a hole in your piston - YAY!

It just looks like a good way to **** something up seriously. When you spray nitrous you need a way to add fuel to keep the a/f ratio right. Nitrous isn't really something to just experiment with, unless you have an extra engine sitting around. Plenty of guys have blown their motors just because they ran out of fuel or the fuel pump cut out while they were spraying nitrous. Not a whole lot different than just running nitrous without also increasing the fuel.

Nicley said, a nice lean condition due to low fuel flow, and the entire top ring land will just break off the piston, cast or forged it don't matter. Detonation and a lean condition is an evil thing to a piston. lol
Yeah it's like taking a huge Fing hammer to the piston.. no joke. And just think what that does to the bearings.
yes, you guys are correct, if this was a wet kit, it would require extra fuel, this is only a fogger style system, and a small one at that, if the jet size was bumped up one and you ran a slightly colder plug, this kit would be a very safe way to gain 5-10 hp, it would be exactly like using starting fluid in your air box, and with the jetting only bumped up one jet, it would hardly affect "normal" riding conditions, however if this kit was any bigger, like a 50 hp shot or even 20 hp you guys are right on on saying it would kill your motor, I'll install it after I get the 366 done and broke in then i'll just try small blasts at a time and check plug until I feel safe to shoot the whole cartridge in at a 6 th gear run, ill try and video tape it, it might just blow up who knows but i'll still have it posted for you guys to laugh at
It doesnt matter if its a wet system or a fogger. Nitrous is an oxygenizer. If your not adding extra fuel at the time you introduce the nitrous, your going to lean out. Bumping up one size on the mainjet is worthless. You have to go up more than that unless you dont value your engine. Plus if your going to run nitrous you better rebuild the bottom end also. you will want to weld and true your crank also. Anyway that system is about as worthless as tits on a boar. save your money and do it right.
When we install NOS in a car we basically run a completely seperate fuel system. The best system happens to be a pro fogger with nos and fuel nozzels, this is how you add a three stage 500HP shot.
yes you are very correct on the car deal but that is also 500 hp this is like 5 maybe 10, i'll let you all know how it works out, it will not be any worse that ether on a cold day
yes you are very correct on the car deal but that is also 500 hp this is like 5 maybe 10, i'll let you all know how it works out, it will not be any worse that ether on a cold day

But who sprays ether into their carb at full throttle on a cold day???