NJ Trying to pass a new ATV Law

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just something to get more money out of people...sorry to here that kid got hit...but, were was the kid?..didnt he here the quad?....could have been both parties same fault...I always wear a helmet..whose to say there safe?..i still broke my neck when i crashed..prob cause of the helmet wight slammin my head around!...and for deaths on these"ATV'S"...come on people,no one ever said they were safe..you could be crazy safe or scared under certain situations..and **** happens..No matter if its a 4x4 or racer or dirtbike..and on and on...In NY were supose to be registered and insured, and it doesnt give anymore benifits..riding wise that is,still the same laws and restrictions apply...yeah well you know what i say to that!!!
I have to agree with some parts of the article. I do agree that many parents now do anything they can to avoid responsibility for the actions of their children. If you are a parent, your children are your responsibilty until they are 18 years of age.

I also agree with the statements that if you are not at home to supervise, to disable the vehicles (chain em up, remove keys, batteries and so forth). Children can get hurt or hurt others very easily with said vehicles. In fact, I figure it ranks up there like guns - I don't have a problem with people teaching their children to shoot rifles and such, but I would expect them to be present while their children are using said guns. Would you leave your house with your 13 year old at home with a loaded, unlocked shotgun?

There's also the case that this happened on a public street, not private land. This is a direct violation of law, as ATVs/go-carts and so forth are not meant for street use. Even if they were, then you would have the introduction of things such as Automotive Insurance/Drivers License and what not. I could see criminal charges pressed on this for simple violation of traffic laws.
Futhermore it was mentioned that witnesses claim the driver did not let off the throttle or attempt to stop/slow down. By reading that, I assume that this "accident" was more intentional then people may think. I am probably read more into that than necessary, but why else would a child "knowingly" run down another child - is there some possible tension/animosity between these two that the story doesn't reveal?

As for the need of insurance, I guess that's a state thing. I personally do not see a reason for this. In Oregon insurance is optional, and I do not have a problem with this. For trail riding and even dunes, I don't really see a direct need for this, so long as people are acting in a reasonably responsible manner. On the other hand, for those that race on tracks/competition and such, I could see the possible need. Travelling at high speeds, and jumping in close quarters definitely raises the odds that someone is going to get hurt - intentional or not.

I also don't agree with the theory that parents could face losing their drivers license for 3 years. To me that is incredibly rediculous. It is not a direct cause of the problem in the first place, and is not a reasonable punishment in my mind. That works similarily to the idea that if a person does not pay their child support they can have their license revoked. Doesn't make any sense, since they may be trying to pay and having a hard time, and now without a license they can't get to work or maintain a job to continue paying.

Stupid politics.
I can't find anything in the article that leads me to believe that Justin (the injured child) was riding on an ATV or that supports the idea of them playing "chicken".

I tried searching on their site, CNN, and the web in general and cannot locate any other articles about this. It would be really nice to see more than one article relating to this, as every story seems to release one or two peices of information that another neglected.

If you are in this area and see any more articles/links about this they could make for interesting reading.
I myself have full insurance coverage and registration on my ATVs. I think that mandatory insurance laws are a good idea on and off the trail (unless on your own property) for the shear fact and stature of potential liability risks. An insurance policy is in a rider’s best interest to cover his ass pretty much. If you hit someone and cause damage to them or their vehicle and have no insurance - you’re ******. Insurance will also cover property damage and all the other things that could happen/people could pursue you for while riding off your personal land.

The other thing is what if someone was to hit you and damage your property; if the offender doesn’t have insurance its up to you to sue them for the damages (hope you win) if they will not pay. If everyone had mandatory insurance policies mishaps would be quickly paid for and it would be less trouble for both involved parties as well as the entire ATV community. Everything revolves around money - when financial liability issues can be solved in a quick efficient manner there wouldn’t be as much of a negative light cast upon ATVs as dangerous evil machines; not as many people would make a fuss over an ATV accident. If that kid that hit the other kid had insurance it would of paid for the medical costs of the injured and you probably wouldn’t be reading about it online.

Then in turn since it wouldn’t be online - there would be a few less people in the world that would read that ATV article and shake their heads in disapproval in regards to those EVIL ATVS!!!
I dunno, that's just how i took this part of it "Rudy Huettler said witnesses told him the rider 'clearly did not attempt to stop, nor did he let off the throttle to slow down when hitting Justin at full speed. Justin landed in the street and laid there screaming in pain.'."
Maybe he was crossing the street, or even just out playing basketball, but who's to say...
Yeah, I took it as the latter, that he was playing/crossing/walking in the street or something. Again, would be good reason to read other news site articles regarding this to see their twist on the story.

As for manadatory insurance, I can see where you are coming from Deathshadow - but I don't entirely agree. I suppose it could be taken as the more responsible method, but not everything we do should have to be regulated. It seems to me that it's too many people that just don't take the responsibility. Soon enough we are going to buying insurance for our children to ride their bicycles and skateboards. The madness has to stop somewhere.

warriorxcr1 put it best I think -- people like this **** it up for the rest of us.
I strongly disagree with the insurance, it's very high here, and also if an accident that serious happened it wouldn't be my ass at fault. The registration part I do agree with, afterall the dnr can stop some idiot riding in illegal areas with a quad he just stole and they wouldn't even know it. Only 1 of 3 times I was stopped did they ever check my registration. One of the times they didn't it was the federal guys in a national forest!!!
The kid didnt seem that worried, the complaint he had was schoolworkload, somethign is fishy, its his parents fighting his battle. I dk about you, but seriously how do you NOT hear a quad on the road, especially with off road tires. That kid was definately a friend or something doing something stupid, As for the insurance and ****, I dont have a title, my wuad I recieved from ym uncle and I tried to register it and they gave me a hard time, so **** NJ
I strongly disagree with the insurance, it's very high here, and also if an accident that serious happened it wouldn't be my ass at fault. The registration part I do agree with, afterall the dnr can stop some idiot riding in illegal areas with a quad he just stole and they wouldn't even know it. Only 1 of 3 times I was stopped did they ever check my registration. One of the times they didn't it was the federal guys in a national forest!!!

ATV insurance isnt very high at all here - no reason not to have it really, it protects you and your machine.
I agree with the idea that if it's cheap enough to have it... but I don't agree that it should be mandatory. I am not sure what the cost of ATV insurance here is, but my brother purchased insurance for his snowmobiles and that was pretty high from what recall - don't remember the numbers though.
I paid $104.00 a year for liability and 550$ a year now for Liability, Comp + Collision, Medical, Theft, Etc...

I don't think that is to bad.
104 isn't so bad, 550 is a on the higher side of things.... plus in my case I'd have to double it or more.. considering covering two quads (one with a six year old on it)!
104 isn't so bad, 550 is a on the higher side of things.... plus in my case I'd have to double it or more.. considering covering two quads (one with a six year old on it)!

Yeah but $550.00 Covers:

- Comp and Collision (incase I total it)
- Liability
- Medical for myself (personal injury)
- Theft
- Road side Assistance

All of that to insure a $7,000.00 + quad for $46.00 a month I deem reasonable.

That is how I look at it anyway but minus the 6 year old :-D!