NJ ********

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Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2006
Reaction score
Edison, New Jersey
Here's the ******** we have to put up in NJ.
You know, I know some people are ******** themselves and don't respect other peoples property, and also don't have respect for the land they use. We would probably be able to keep some people at bay if there was a way to educate some of the riders to respect the land and peoples property. With all the tree huggers in this state were never going to get a good riding place, so we should respect the what allready have even though it's illegal.
If you read the artical you will see their looking for another place to ride, but that is ******** too, if you aren't from New Jersey just check it out on the google satilite, South Jersey is still super desolate and has huge acerage's of Pine areas know to New Jersey residents as the Pine Barrens, this is all sand too, however it is super protected by the EPA and treehuggers, so we end up riding illegally.
all of that is bull ****, i would be pissed if i lived in NJ. I mean in ohio we have a bunch of parks but all the good ones are like over 2 hours away from me. So i most of the time ride on illiegal property, nobody around here cares like those douch bags, we always confront the owner, directly or from seeing him riding, of the property and if he doesnt care we keep riding if not there just like ok just dont ride here and we dont. But that guys is gay if he has all that land he could be smart and make it a riding park, he could make a good profit off of it. Other wise hes just gay, get over it, you can still walk the trails. And most of the stuff in the news is all bull **** so i bet half of that isnt true anyways. I wish people would loosen up.
"If there were more riding areas, they may not have these problems," said Mark Jordan, an ATV and motorcycle enthusiast. "If there was no place for kids to play basketball, they'd all be at the same basketball court, and it would be overrun." i like that guy
You guys want to hear the best part, we have to register our quads in the state and still have know place to ride, the funny part was no one really cared about the registation at $7, until they decided to raise it $17. Point is they raised it saying it was to go to good for paying for parks and caring for state land were we ride. Well so far after 4 years of the registation being raised their closing the only leagal riding area in NJ and it's replacement dosn't look good, plus we still arent allowed on state land because of the EPA, which causes all the rutgus.
I'm I glad that atv's are street legal here and that we are allowed to ride anywhere here on the Island. I would go crazy if I would have to put my bike on a trailer and drive a couple of hours to go somewhere to go ride. I'm sure if you guys would live here you would go nuts!!!
Most of the american tourists are amazed that atv's are allowed on the road.
is that the place behind the endustrial park? i reconize it from way back in the day. im from jersey too man, and there is really nowere to ride with in a hour from me unless im down the shore than chatsworth is 15 minutes away and the pinbarrens are about a half hour in land. so my reply to it is simply just ride as responsable as posible were u can. i kno i kno it gives us a bad rep but you do wat half to do.
If your in toms river, as your "Location" states, send me a PM, i know of a place to ride. As long as your quad is registered, your allowed to since it's not able to be used by hunters, so it's not guarded under those guidelines like the other state parks...
I know in the spring they are going to put some under-cover cops on supped up, sport ATV's and have them ride in the illegal spots. They are going to talk, and act like a normal rider untill they arrest you! That's in NY, so I'm sure it will be the same for NJ, so just watch out!!!

It is getting really gay with ATV situation everywhere, specially in the North East They raise the regi, and don't so sh*t with the $$$millions they collect. I understand the need for Pine Barrens, but whats wrong with just fencing off an area, and charging people to ride. There is A LOT of money to be made by that!!
Supposidly in south jersey they had cops on 300ex's a few years back patroling some known areas, until one got serverly hurt tryng to chase an ATV rider down and that ended it. Now their suppose to wait after a "complaint is made" were we exit the riding area. Of couse that dosn't work because people just turn back around and fly back into the trails knowing there not allowed to chase them.
ya some of the cops though are cool because my dad used to work for ocean county, the people they had out there had no clue what they were doin to a kid on a 90 could out run them. it was pritty bad lol
NJ has one of the highest ownerships of ATV in the US. This is obviously a problem, it is a professional sport and seen on X games. Out west and down south have alloted nice parks and dunes for ATv's to ride. NJ needs to step up to the plate and recognize that people who spend 10 grand on a quad dont wanna pay to ride, to drive we only pay insurance, why change it to 50 bucks a day for ATv's, they are a vehicle? I dont pay but registration on my boat, or Ski. They obviously tried shutting people down, not opening up more land, they try to drain people from the hobby. You wanna ride, move to AZ or CA with some nice trail parks. . NJ is just to god damn political to do anything, I wheelie on the ****** street, NJ sucks BIG DICK I am moving ASAP.
Believe it or not the State Troopers seem the easiest to get along with and seem understanding of the cause, as one stopped right by me while unloading my quads, and asked what I was doing, uuuuuuhhhh going riding, so he says ok just be careful and try not to run into any state park rangers as they are the worst. I was like wow that was cool.