Official Tire thread

Yamaha Raptor 350 & Warrior Forum

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just got some 20x10x10 bridgstone hooks. havent ran em yet but only paid 20 bucks for em with steel rims.
has anybody ran the kenda kutter xc?
I heard good about Kenda but just found the kutters.

I've got a couple of buddies that won't ride on any thing but kutter's. They seem to hold up pretty good for them. There on 450's also
20x9x11 maxxis razrs on the rear and 20x10x8 itp holeshots fronts. thats what i wanna get. i done some research small rear tires are best. im running friggin huge rear holeshots on the rear now.
XC Tire

I run 21x7x10 Razr2 on the front for excelent steering and braking responce and run 20x11x9 razr on the rear for perdictabilty. there are other tires which offer beter traction but knowing what a tire will do in a corner every time is important, dont belive me look close at the tires xc racers use! unless they are sponsered by someone else this como has got to be the most run by actual racers out there. Also I usually run a full season on one set unless a I cut a sidewall though the rears start getting a little schetchy on the last race or two
I just bought a whole set of Kenda Klaw for my '97 Warrior.

I like the fact that they can be run in different directions for different terrain. Where I ride there is a lot of mixed terrain, rock, sand, gravel, hard packed dirt roads, rough trails, you name it I pass it on a ride!

Should have them on for the weekend and I will report back how they hold up.
Bought some new Dunlop KT335's for the rear.....inflated to 10psi
fronts at 11psi....
Before you scoff at this post...I have to say that there is a reason that three quad manufactures use these tires as standard equipment on there hypersport offerings....
I wouldn't recommend these for rocks as the knobbies are a little too far apart....but the grip and slide ability on hardpack and loose dirt is awesome....these tires are predictable as hell....and communicate back to me the rider very well.....
I was going to do Holeshots.....or a Kenda, and spent a lot of time thinking about what I wanted....but it came back to the radial contruction and directional tread pattern.
In 1986....when the Kawasaki Tecate 3 wheeler was all the rage....the suspension on it sucked...but everyone wanted to ride it due to the power it had and the radial tires.....this thing would slide anywhere you wanted it to.....the suspension sucked....but you could get around it because of the tires....I put a rear set on my Yamaha Tri-Z and was a believer.....
They tracked straight at 70+ MPH as well....

All of the other tires have there place.....but for me....these are a no brainer....and should not be overlooked...
You can buy them for $60 a piece with free shipping at Rockmountain ATV.....a freakin bargain.

What do you guys think of Kenda dominators I'm getting a set for the front but I bought a new set of maxxis razr rears think it's bad to mix the two together oor sumthing??
I have a 01 warrior and I was thinking about about getting tires,when I change the rear tiresome also have to change the rear rims right?
Anyone have an ungodly hookup or huge deal on some rear mudders and standard knobbie fronts? new or near new. looking for Dirt Devils mudlites bear claws etc.
i just picked up a full set of front and rear sedona bazooka tiers front and rear for us tral riders that like the hole shot look they are cheper and WAY more sterdy and long lasting then the maxxis razers i love them i was abel to get 20 x 11 x 9 for the rear and 21 x 7 x 10 for the front payed $386 for the hole set i had some razers befor and just destroyed them on the trales so if your looking for a good long lasting set of tiers thes thing will make you happy