Parking Brake**REMOVED**

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Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2005
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Since I have no support from my service manual I rely on people on this forum. So to the point I was wondering if I could remove my parking brake? Because it doesn't work and I don't want to fix it. Do you know the safety wire that connects to the parking brake well what do I have to do with that because you need that to run the machine.
to remove the parking brake assembly you need a block off plate(about $12) so water doesn't get into the caliper and make things rust and corrode. To remove the parking brake section of the clutch perch you can just take the parking brake switch off the perch, and unplug it from the harness.
what is a safety wire? the switch on the clutch perch? unplug it. I don't know what else you could be talking about
oh I dunno about unpluging it but when its loose it the engine doesnt work. My neighbour just cut it off(on his 660 Raotor).

Oh ya, if I take it off can't I just put something in the way so no water gets in.
dammit boy, do you hear me? Just humor me and unplug the damn thing! trust me
OK I unplugged it and it works!!!Well if take off my parking brake and the cable and that thingy on the rear caliper do I have to put on a block-off thingy or can I just put like something else for the time being?
you can take the cable off, but leave the parking brake assembly on the caliper until you get the block-off plate. The caliper needs to be sealed off from water and dirt to keep it from rusting and corroding
There's a good write-up on the board...

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