Pro Com rev box

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I never delt with the Pro com, but i have used dyna tech and srp and both were great, You should feel a good difference with it, I say go for it. ;)
No - Pro Com is BAD BAD news!!!! Actually Pro Com makes most cheap aftermarket CDIs (big gun, Advantage, SRP, etc...). I believe the only people who make their own are Dynatek and Vortex... I have sold many Pro Com CDIs due to their cost and they have id say an 80% failure rate (sometimes right out of the box)!!!

Dont believe me?

See what other "satisfied" customers are saying about Pro Com CDIs:

You get what you pay for! (just copy and paste the above link into the browser if it doesnt work).
My friend used one on his z400 and it took a **** in less than a year, DON'T BUY IT!!! They are cheap crapola!!! He since bought the yoshi box and it absolutely ******* rips compared to how it ran with the procom on there.
My friend used one on his z400 and it took a **** in less than a year, DON'T BUY IT!!! They are cheap crapola!!! He since bought the yoshi box and it absolutely ******* rips compared to how it ran with the procom on there.
Does he have a 440 kit? I was going to pick up a yoshi cdi but heard it wouldnt be that good a set up without the yoshi wiring harness thingy and the 440 kit.