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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2005
Reaction score
parkman, oh
so i recently picked up another project warrior and i cant get to start... it fired up and i drove it to the front of my garage (this isnt the first time i rode it by the way) and i stood it up and washed it and i thats how it was for a little while and then put it back down cleaned the air box put the filter back in and went to drive back to my barn and it wouldnt start so i pushed it back and checked plug, carb, timing, and cant figure out what is wrong with this thing. I never had a problem with my other one like this, which might be why i cant figure it out so if anybody has an idea let me know...
did u drain the gas out of the carb? it might have water in it check all the wire conections one might of got unpluged when washing it and is it getting good enough spark if so get sonme good crc carb clean or bearkable 2+2 gum cutter and spray in the carb and try to start it that way

or if you don't believe in them, maybe you could talk yourself into beliving that water was shorting something out, and when the water dried up it fixed itself. There's 2 possible explanations, pick your favorite one.

or if you don't believe in them, maybe you could talk yourself into beliving that water was shorting something out, and when the water dried up it fixed itself. There's 2 possible explanations, pick your favorite one.

lol like that one what he said above
Possibly a flooded motor, if you left the petcock open. The water usually will make the cylinder cold also, so a thicker oil tends to make it tough to start for a while after cleanings. If the water was pretty cold that might of been the case. Check the plug and see if it has a bit of carbon on there, anything excessive and it probably drowned in gas. You could also be borderline running lean, worth checking into.
well i thought the problem was fixed and... no it wasnt it died in the middle of the woods and wont start again. ok well I cleaned the carb, got a new plug, checked my valves, checked timing, got good compression (135), cleaned filter, and it won't do a thing
yes another new spark plug, none of the lines are pinched, and the idle was set right when it was running... ive had 3 guys come look at it and they are all confused on why it wont run or even show signs of it wanting to run
You might just have a weak spark or incorrect gap. Is that the right compression in the book, I thought is was supposed to be near 150. Another problem could be a bad rocker arm, the arm might be holding the valve open on the exhaust side causing the cylinder to not get compression. That's what happened to me before since the pivot wasn't lubed enough after the rebuild. Be sure to check the oil pressure screw.
135 compression sounds good if he's doing it with the throttle closed.
Sounds low if its open............
its got good lookin spark to me but im gonna get the coil tested or swap w/ a buddy to see if thats the problem but that was gonna bve my next question... the yamaha dealership said it should be about 160 but 135 should at least do something... right?
i just looked in my book it says a 128 psi is max at sea level so... if thats the case i should have plenty of compression. still wont start
I would bet your spark might not be as good as ya think it is.
I've seen a couple of bikes that I thought had a good spark and it turned out the pickup coil was shot.
Try comparing the spark to somthing else.........even a grass cutter.
See if it looks the same.

Should be a bright snappy looken spark.
Somtimes it looks ok............till ya see what t should really look like!
yea its called the puls regulator that picks up the sprak from the flywheel and they go bad some times i was working on a guys 300ex and we spent a couple of days testing every thing and come to find out that went bad it would work thn would not it would die thats most likely your prolbum
i got my pickup coil today... finally and still wont run. theres not much left to go over, cdi... any other ideas because im about out of em