Quad for my kid?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2005
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My son just got VERY interested in atv riding.What quad do you think would be good for him?He is 13 and a clutch tranny is o.k. with him.Thinking of building him a Warrior from scratch or maybee a blaster?I cant spend too much at all.Any ideas?Would the 4x4 type be better?Thanks----JC
Any 4x4 I have rode take some strength to turn. I don't know really, he is already 13 getting a warrior would be the best bet in the long run. But the blaster may suite him fine for now. But I would go with my previous statement and get a warrior.

You built your 87 up nice. Might as well add another one to the list. Just get the newer model now. Who knows you might get too involved in modding it and trade him. hahaha...
yeah id stay with the warriors, he will get used to the power, and when he gets ilder he will be able to controll it better sence he would have it for a while.....blasters are a waste of plastic and metal

thats just my $.02
I dunno, they both have their ups and downs, Granted the warrior will last him longer, and you already have a working knowledge of it's quirks, and probably a few spare parts lieing around. But it's a bigger quad both power, and size wise, size will make it him feel like the quad is pushing him around, not him really riding it, and throwing it around. And on top of that I'm not sure how your son is, and if he get's a lil panicy and gooses the throttle when he panics that's a lot more power shovving him into the trees and such.
But for the blaster, It won't last him as long, but he won't have to grow into it as much if any at all, it's power can be touchy w/ the power band, and if he's not used to that and pops into it at the wrong time it could come up and over onto him (I dunno about you guys but my friends blaster is easier to wheelie then my warrior), and some parts will be interchangeable, not many though, simple things like tie rods, and tie rod ends are. But 2 strokes can be more work, if not tuned right, and preventative maintnance is done regularly. Though the size/weight thing is also in his favor on the blaster. Other than those I can't think of anything that would make you look at one more favorably than the other.
Over all I would say look at the warrior if he has some of a feel for it from riding yours, and if he is big for his age, and I would go with the blaster if he doesn't have experience on yours, if he has a small frame for his age, and doesn't mind joining you in the garage to wrench on it, since it will be his. ;D
deffently go with the warrior, considering you built yours and know about them , and it will give him plenty of room to grow into. alot of younger kids have blasters i personaly dont like them way to small and it seems like you'd grow out of them so fast that just my opinion. let your son try your warrior if he likes it i say go for the warrior.

The warrior is very flexible to new riders, with learning how t oride, its forgiving. Like stuff is not going to break if you stall and stuff. Its built well. Plus I am 21 and love the machine to this day, you don't need to go much faster in the trails than a warrior. Mike
I am a little worried about handing it over-but I think I am leaning towards the warrior.I know I can build one up-but can I build one down?What I mean is can I put like a govener or something on it,we here know that even the old warrior can **** you up if your not on it :eek:
when i was 13, i started on a king quad, and learned the basics off that, then that same year i started riding my neighbors z, learned the clutch off that. Then for my 14th b-day my dad bought me the warrior. I rode that for about a year an a half, got alot more experienced at riding from that and got a z for christams and im 15 now.
it al depends on experirnce and how much $$$ you got. i would say let him ride your warrior more often, get him used to it, and maybe get him somehting just a tad bit faster then yours, i have friends who are 13 riding z's/ kfx's who are jumping 70 feet( got pics to prove it lol) a warrior is never a bad choice for a first bike.
You could also gear it for a pretty high top end, and if you do some tight trail riding he won't be able to get it up there, so the bottom end will be rather weak. Only problem you'd encounter there would be hills and mud w/o the low end grunt.