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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2009
Reaction score
Henryetta, Ok
hey does any one know what will happen if i do not have these parts in the picture numbered 8 9 10 and 12
Well #12 is an o-ring, so without that you're going to most likely have a leak around the drain plug. As for the rest #8 is an oil pickup which is where the engine is supposed to pick up the oil from the crank case to send it through the rest of the motor, #9 is a filter screen that is there to keep dirt and garbage from being sucked up by the pick up and pumped through the motor, and #10 is a spring that puts pressure on the screen and keeps it in place.

So what will happen: The motor will not be picking up oil from the certain depth in the crank case that it was designed to, which means you will probably need to run more oil to compensate for oil slosh or be prepared for catastrophic failure in the worst case scenario when there is no oil getting pumped through the motor because it was not picked up. And for the rest when it is pumping oil, it is not the cleanest and is pumping garbage until the oil makes its way to the oil filter.
Yeah. Or in simpler terms, if you're missing these parts, just spend the 10 bucks and replace them, they aren't expensive enough to make it worth taking any kind of risk over it.
i have these parts i can sell you if you find out they are ungodly priced at the stealer
Don't think I have 8, 9 and 10 in my engine? All those parts come out when you take the oil plug out?
ya what deadlast said cuz i didn't even know i didn't have them till i emptied the bucket out the had the old oil in it and the parts in the bottom of the old oil. lol
oh ok so everyone is against me again.... haha... you guys are starting to make me think that my number 8 was lost by the previous owner and thats why it never came out with the drainplug... ill have to check it out the next time i change oil
mmm i dunno.. its gotta be there for a reason... if we are running without them ide say we are getting lucky
Don't have them in mine but I just check one of my spare motors and it has them,the screen was full of shavings so I'll be putting them in next oil change.
You need to have these parts.... no question about it.

If you ever take that screen out and clean it you will be amazed at how much crap gets in there.... ive found shavings much bigger than i like to find in there sometimes but at least they arent being pumped through the motor.

So go the the dealer and spend 10 bucks just for the peace of mind
i checked yesterday and both my running motor and my parts motor have number 8 along with the other pieces of course... also it is pretty tight in there
No o-Ring? :eek: Ho you keep oil in tat thing then? Id be seeping out the drain plug. U do know that the o-ring is on the drain plug right?