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Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2005
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so i have to decide very soon if ill be racing this summer. please help as much as possible.laugh if you must.

so this summer i really want to race mx. if i decide to,this winter i have to prep myself and my quad. I'm just really scared about a few things. i know you cant directly help me but some of you might know where or how to explain how to get over these fears. first off, I'm afraid of big jumps. i really haven't hit anything that big but every time i go to hit something sizable, i back down. i don't know of a way to get over this fear. second,I'm afraid of passing. I'm just nervous I'm going to wreck when i pass. i know I'm going to wreck but I'm afraid of wrecking and getting run over or something. also,does anybody have like a workout schedule they use to get in shape for the race season?? thanks for your i said,laugh if you wish but this is my dream to race. thanks
I can't help you with racing as I have never done it. But as far as big jumps go, I would just say build of confidence. Start smaller and go bigger. Maybe goto a track and make a few laps with some buddies. Put some money on it so you'll have to hit these large jumps in order to make your money back :) and you'd also build your confidence in passing this way too.

But in all seriousness, just go after a big jump. I promise that after you've hit it you won't ever back down again.
You need to start small and work your way up. Once you hit a small jump move up to one slightly larger, and larger, and larger, and so on... I don’t recommend you try to do something you are that scared to do; do it when you are calm and ready for it - if you don’t you will get hurt.
Bones heal, morphine comes in handy, get your ass off the seat and let your legs help absorb the shock and you won't be eating dirt.
Everybody screws up from time to time, i was mowing down trees yesterday like it was nobodys F'ing business(watch out for slick corners on tight trails).don't let little **** like that bring down your confidence
Bones heal, morphine comes in handy, get your ass off the seat and let your legs help absorb the shock and you won't be eating dirt.
Everybody screws up from time to time, i was mowing down trees yesterday like it was nobodys F'ing business(watch out for slick corners on tight trails).don't let little **** like that bring down your confidence

More then half the time on a track you’re in a semi-stand attack position anyway lol; at least the ones around here...

Also regarding what I said above with the smaller jumps first. While you hit them practice leaning and balancing the quad out in the air. If you go and do something big you are scared to do with NO experience before it your going to get ****** up. Most people I see that are nervous to hit something **** up because they aren’t thinking 100% clear and don’t react as fast to things that they would of when calm. By sizing your jumps and perfecting the technique used with smaller ones and moving to larger ones you build confidence and the skill you need; don’t dive in head first to the biggest thing you can find.

As far as passing just WOT it and go; use your instinct to tell you when it’s good to go. Be ready to hit another person so if and when you do collide your still on your quad and a place ahead :-D. If you come flying up behind someone I find most the time they get the **** out of the way lol. The ones where you are both going about the same speed and trying to pass are just a little harder. You should have a mental note regarding how wide your quad is so you can use it as reference when passing and in tight corners.
ya, i was nervous about that too man, the biggest i ever hit off the track was like 4 foot, then there were jumpls like 2 or 3 times that size. All i did was went out and gave it all i had, just blank ur mind be4 u go out and dont be scared. Hit the jumps soft at first then start hitting them faster and faster. And passing, i cant really help with that, i just got the holeshot. the main thing though dude DONT BE SCARED
Well actually, on passing, if u stay behind someone and maybe give them TINY taps when they go into the berm, they will know ur there and they will get pressured and they WILL screw up. Unless ur racing pros or something. You have to be able to play mind games like that. Race with them a few times, and see what they do under pressure like that. Anaylze what they do, then go out and try it. You will figure it out man, trust me.
thanks to everybody that helped.keep it coming though! ill be deciding if im racing soon.ill let you all know how the decison goes!
im only 14 but iv never hit jumps that were huge b/4 and i really looked up to my younger cousin (dorko1492) b/c it has been a dream to have a quad and he always had one. i always went off like 3 footers on his dirtbike, and i was hesitant to go off with a quad and i was tired of tellin myself that i cant do it b/c i was goin to fall but who hasnt fell before

it just takes some internal abuse
judging by your avatar picture

get motox boots and full gear, you WILL snap your ankle like a twig eventually if you dont, that is if they even let you ride without them

i cant ride without boots, i think my ankles would give out ten times easier, and i wear evs ankle braces, and im looking into knee braces too, because i have broken my patella on one knee, and fractured the growth line on my other
i do have four racing boots. that pic was taken like a month after i got my quad and i didnt get boots yet.
so to add to this, what all do i need to race parts wise. like a-arms,shocks,motor,gear,etc... thanks
well if i were u, i would get: FULL riding gear, nerfs, kill cord, and maybe tires. U dont NEED shocks unless u are bottoming out on every jump, then u might want to think about getting some, lol.
to get over ur fears put on some pads abd start small and work ur way up like wen i first started wheelies 2 weeks ago i was scared i was gonna flip over i kept getting higher and higher then accidently hit the grab now im not scared of flipping and can now ride out a wheelie pretty far and at slow sppeds just take time to practice and have someone video tape u that way u can see wat u r actually doing and how to improve it worked for me and will work for u 2
take your quad to a track and see how you do... video tape it and watch he said^^^^
i wouldnt suggest just racing with no expirence and a ton of fears
Well, the things i listed are the basics, i could name 100 things that would help, but if ur anything like me $$ is an issue. I dont have any aftermarket suspension at all on my quad, and i was whoopin a modded z400.