raptor 350 axle

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Sep 22, 2010
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ok i am trying to replace my raptors axle but which way do i turn the lock nut and what home tools did you guys use i can get it to budge but i been trying let me know thanks
Soak it in Oil or PB blaster for a bit. Get a big ass pipe wrench or monkey wrench and put a bar on the end of it. You gotta lift up to loosen it off. Righty Tighty, Lefty Loosey.
cheater bars sork wonders lol my jack handle slid over my 3/8driver has broke loose more bolts then my air gun
still cant get it with a huge pipe wrench and a huge 5ft poll axle keeps turn and motor wants to crank lol
get a buddy to hold the quad for yah while its in gear. It might have to soak for a while. It could be rust wielded on there.
are you positive that i got up on the nut and not down i thought left was down but how do you look at just wanna make sure before i romp on it
yupp, if your lookin at if from the rear of the bike, you lift up. When the nut goes on from the left of the axle in towards the carrier, spinning it down would be righty tighty.