rear grabbars/racks

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Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2005
Reaction score
Chipman, NB, Canada
well, i ordered a new armadillo out n back rack for my raptor.. it comes with its own gas can in it and it holds a six pack cooler. i payed $89.99 U.S.



what do you guys think of armadillo products? are they good quality?

i needed something to hold gas and beverages on my quad.. and i liked this one, i also have heard about armadillo products on other sites.

what do u guys think of it?
nice rack i got my 6pac rack from prm for $159.95 that can hold 2 gas cans and a 6 pac
I've been planning on getting the same thing before spring so I can ride as far as my cousin on his utility quad. Quite a few guys on this site have armadillo products, and I don't remember hearing any complaints.
I like the idea of the rack, as i am planninig some longer trips at some point.

But I don't think I would want to carry beverages other than water on a quad.......KABLOOEY!!
But I don't think I would want to carry beverages other than water on a quad.......KABLOOEY!!

Been there, blew up that... And the loose cans also smashed my lunch up pretty good. So I had an empty can of soda and a cooler full of smashed soggy bread when I got hungry and decided to eat. Yummy! :(
I like the idea of the rack, as i am planninig some longer trips at some point.

But I don't think I would want to carry beverages other than water on a quad.......KABLOOEY!!

thats why u dont drink the other beverages while driving the quad.. just when u get ready to set up camp is when u do that :)
Armadillo gets an A+ for quality in my book, i got a chrome xc bumper from them and love it. I gotta get some pictures up for you guys, it looks pimp. Its light as hell too.
yeah get some pics up of that beast! anyone have experiences with the new thor quadrant boots?? i ordered them too..
I haven't gotten the quadrant boots but be sure to let us know how they are in the reviews section.
[quote author=dswwarrior350 board=general thread=1139265849 post=1139287458]Armadillo gets an A+ for quality in my book, i got a chrome xc bumper from them and love it. I gotta get some pictures up for you guys, it looks pimp. Its light as hell too.
sounds good... i wanna see that bumper