removed sparky and lost throttle response

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Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2006
Reaction score
West Virginia
Well the other day I took the sparky out of my hmf because its only been out once and I forgot what it sounded like. Well it sounded awesome but it killed the throttle response or low end snap. What jets should I changed to get this response back without running the sparky. Oh and around here the cops dont care about sound only if you are wearing a helmet and are'nt riding where you shouldnt be so I dont need any keep it quiet or you'll lose your riding area's speaches :cool:
Well the other day I took the sparky out of my hmf because its only been out once and I forgot what it sounded like. Well it sounded awesome but it killed the throttle response or low end snap. What jets should I changed to get this response back without running the sparky. Oh and around here the cops dont care about sound only if you are wearing a helmet and are'nt riding where you shouldnt be so I dont need any keep it quiet or you'll lose your riding area's speaches :cool:
You might have to move the needle up, if that don't work then richen up the main.
If the spark arrestor on an hmf made much of a difference for you, yours was probably blocked up pretty good. I stopped running mine because when riding in the mud, not necessarily even deep mud, dirt and roots and crap would get pulled in and bake onto that screen, so by the end of the day it ran and sounded like the stock exhaust because there was only a little space left in the center. The same thing happened with the hmf on my cousin's eiger, the mud sucked up in and baked on there. When i say baked, i mean BAKED, i could barely scrape the stuff off. It's that damn pennsylvania coal mud.
Well, the sparky didnt look clogged up when I took it out. But right after I took it out I noticed immediately it lost throttle response then put it back in and the response was back so idk. So, dave says to move the needle clip or change the main and ds says change the pilot? I'll try the needle clip and if that doesnt work should the pilot be next?
Are you talking about the spark arrestor or the quiet core? The spark arrestor is just a screen on a HMF and removing it shouldn't do anything. If its the quiet core you will probably have to up a main jet size because the quiet core is somewhat restrictive.
No its the sparky, but i swear I lost a noticable amount of throttle response after taking it out.
huh, thats really strange. I know the spark arrestor on my Predator make absolutely no difference. If thats the case though I would still suggest going up one size on your main jet with it removed.
(just to make sure we're talking about the same thing, the spark arrestor looks like a strainer for you kitchen sink)
ya, thats what im talking about. its been raining all week so i have'nt had time to mess with it, hopefully it will clear up soon.
Well, you may loose a little bottom end or responce in this area because you've opend the exhaust up a little... you lost a little exhaust gas volecity at low rpms so it tends to actually create a restriction. Where as before with the SA in the exhaust gas volecity is higher at lower rpm giving you more bottome end torque by the pressure waves moving faster and helping to get the gas out of the pipe quicker... as the engine rev's though the SA will become to restrictive and you will start to have very high backpressure in the exhaust and then the engine will start to loose power because it has to work to push the gas out of the pipe.
You can help get some responce back by putting a half turn out or so on the fuel screw.