removing bumper stickers?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2005
Reaction score
York, PA
I know this is somewhat off-topic, but still quad-related in a sense because it's about my recently acquired quad hauler. It has this 'awesome' bumper sticker plastered on the rear bumper with the phrase "Have you hugged a mechanical contractor today?". I'm not quite sure what that's supposed to mean, but it's gotta go. It's probably been on there since the van was new, because it seems like it has no intention of coming off at all. It almost seems like it was super glued on or something, I can't even get a corner to peel up. Anybody have any ideas on getting this thing off? I think this is beyond just hitting it with the pressure washer.
heat that bitch up as long is its not by glass, plastics, or anything else flamible/meltable
use a blow dryer like the hair blow dryer or a heat gun, i skate and when i take grip tape off the deck, it would just rip and you could never get it off.. but i used a blow dryer and it liek litterly just fell off like paper
Yea, Mclaren is on th right path, as long as it's not near any plastic or glass, you can use a heat gun, that should melt the glue enough to let go a bit. and then after it's off use acetone to get off all the glue left on your bumper.
It turned out to be easier than I thought. I got the edge lifted up with a razor, and it turns out that the super cool "have you hugged a mechanical contractor" bumper sticker was plastered on top of an even cooler "I love my Honda" bumper sticker (WTF!?! It's a dodge!!!). The honda bumper sticker was all dried up, and peeled right off cleanly, then all I had to do was go around the edges with a razor and some paint thinner to get some of the residue off. But thanks for the advice everyone.