Well-Known Member
my friend he was 17 and a cool guy..he rolled a z400 pinned 5th gear...he hit a tree and rolled prob 5 or 6 times downhill the bike hitting him. then my friend matt hit his 400ex as he was trying to brake he just fell off ( no injuries to matt) this was 2 days ago and i was behind him as he took off me and my friend ride warriors and and 2 others on 400ex's no one knows about this because he was paralized from the neck down the surgery couldnt save him and he died today at was crazy we was trying to get him to a field so helicopter could pick him up.his ankel got stuck in the nerf bars and he stayed with the bike as it rolled all i remeber is i was trying to get off my bike and all i heard was him screaming.. we tried to keep him still because he was yelling and moving his neck..(note:at this time i didnt know he was paralized) his helmet was smashed in on the side because the nerfbars landed on his head/and his bike was 30ft down the hill up against a tree. RIP. James