Shifter Not Fitting

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Well-Known Member
May 13, 2005
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I bought the IMS Direct Shifter that suspensionworx had for sale, and got it yesterday. He had it on a raptor 350, and today when I tired to install it on my warrior it fit on the engine but the bolt to tighten it down isn't going to work because of the shaft(not sure what its called) coming out of the engine that connects to the shifter is in the way.

I don't understand why it fits, but there isn't enough room for the bolt to pass this shaft I call it.

Here are some pictures, kind of hard to tell with the flash.

Although the imagea re kind of blurry it is obvious that the bolt for the shifter isn't going to work you can see this clearly..
The screw isn't too long. The "shaft" coming out of the engine is stopping the screw from going up any further. No matter what kind of screw I get this shifter isn't going to work.
Raptor and warrior are the same. You might just need to drill something out or change the gap in the clamp part of the shifter if it's not perfect, but there's no reason that it would work on the rappy and not work on yours.
I can't drill anything out. It will mess the threaded part of the shifter up. I guess I am just stuck with an expensive door stopper.
There's no reason that shifter won't work on your warrior, the shift shafts for the warrior and raptor 350 even have the same part number so they're not different the slightest bit. You have to be doing something wrong, or just need to spread/close the gap on the clamp to get the bolt through. It should slide right through the groove in the shift shaft splines. It's a close fit, but it'll work. I would probably be able to help better if the pictures weren't taken underwater too.
Yeah I'll have to get my parents digital camera and take some pictures to see if they are any better becuase the closer I get with my camera they worse they become. If I can't get it, I'll wait until I put my clutch cover on, and piston in and have my buddy look at this too for me. I figured they had to be the same damn thing. But I dont know. I wouldn't think that it would be that hard, but I got to bend it out some anyway before I put it on because the way it is right now it will hit my stator cover.

But YamaRider I'll get some more pictures tomorrow probably and see if you can't help me out some.
Yeah I'll have to get my parents digital camera and take some pictures to see if they are any better becuase the closer I get with my camera they worse they become. If I can't get it, I'll wait until I put my clutch cover on, and piston in and have my buddy look at this too for me. I figured they had to be the same damn thing. But I dont know. I wouldn't think that it would be that hard, but I got to bend it out some anyway before I put it on because the way it is right now it will hit my stator cover.

But YamaRider I'll get some more pictures tomorrow probably and see if you can't help me out some.

DUDE...Line up the hole with the groove on the shaft..........:dunce:

By looking at it in the first pic, it has to come to you(away from the bike) untill the grove line sup with the hole in the shifter......
DUDE....Im not a complete moron and have tried that. The bolt still will not pass the shaft.

Trust me before I start asking questions I try many different ways. I played around with this thing for an hour. Mess with it for about 10 minutes get anxious and uptight so I'd so do something else for 5-10 minutes then come back and try something else. Im not one that will attempt something once then ask for help.
Do the threads make it past the shaft at all?

I cant tell in the pic if the bolt is completly threaded..........?

I was thinking its not the right bolt? If the threads make it past and the rest of the bolt isnt threaded,the bolt thickens a little from not being threaded and is stopping it?

Just a shot in the dark........: )
Nope the threads don't make it past the shaft becuase the bolt hits it. But if you take the shifter off the bolt screws into the shifter just fine.

Yeah the bolt is completly threaded by the way..
Doesnt sound like heres any trick there...........Sounds like it isnt going to work .

Wonder whats up with your camera........looks like it focuses on the background better than whats in front of it whne up close.

Does it have a macro mode on it?
I think macro is the term?
Well worse case scenario here, you could just get a smaller diameter bolt, nut, and a couple washers. I don't see why that wouldn't work.
Yeah Im not giving up on it just yet. Might take me a few days to get around to messing with it again. Without it bolted I lightly shifted up and down with my right hand and could feel the difference. I have motivation...
DUDE....Im not a complete moron and have tried that. The bolt still will not pass the shaft.

Trust me before I start asking questions I try many different ways. I played around with this thing for an hour. Mess with it for about 10 minutes get anxious and uptight so I'd so do something else for 5-10 minutes then come back and try something else. Im not one that will attempt something once then ask for help.

Not trying to be a prick man...:)

From the pic it just looked like you have it shoved on too far.

Ok, so the holes for the splines line up, but the shifter bolt does not. Does it even come close to the hole on the stock linkage?

Might be that the hole in your shifter was machined wrong, or that the wrong base was attached to the shifter in the factory.

If the former, nothing that a drill press would not fix, BUT I understand the importance of good Fab work, and the fact that a part should NOT need further work(Unless form Harbor Freight...but that's another thread)to fit.

After looking at the pics again, it looks like the hole for that bolt should be about 1/16" further out in the Clamping section of the splined end, OR your stock shaft is somehow larger than the prototype.
Like was said above, IF you REALLY want this part to work, and see no other way, drill the hole out SLIGHTLY, LIKE ONE DRILL # SIZE, go to Local Hardware store(not Homedepot) with bolt you have, and say "I need a grade 3 bolt 1 and 2 sizes smaller Diameter than this, and 1" longer with 2 washers each, and Nyloc nuts"

drop 2 bucks, and come home, fit shifter on shaft, see which new bolt fits, push through BOTH sides of clamping section, add washer, tighten, cut off excess.

The splines are what do the work...the groove in the case shaft is just to locate the splines. The clamping is done with the shifter itself.
In the first couple of pics it looks like it is on too far but on the last pic, it looks more flush. Try taking the bolt out and looking in the hole or taking a nail and feeling for the groove. You could probably even look in the opening of the clamp and sticking the bolt in to see if the bolt is too big for the groove.

I know all that sounds simple but we are not there to experience it. You thought it'd be simple too! LOL There has got to be a reason it is not working though.

Here is mine: