Shock Rebuild

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Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2009
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where is the best place to get my rear shock rebuilt? i took the warrior out to the mx track yesterday and i blew the rear shock. it was already rebuilt by gasman for his race warrior, but i got the best of it. i'd rather keep it since it was excellent.

where is a good reputable place to send it? think i could send it to works?
there are a bunch of good shock rebuild places. Work might do it. Most local shops can as well. GT thunder is great, most pro use them. Ive read great thing about wiigstyle as well. TCS is also a good name.
good deal. i'll start calling around tomorrow. hate riding around on a pogo stick lol.
okay, called works and they're just regoddamdiculous. they told me i would have to do the "heart transplant" and the "cartridge kit" together. $339 for non-rebound and $400 something for rebound adjustment.

there has got to be a better price than this to get a rebuild. if it's gonna be this much i'm not going to worry about the ****. i'll sell the fuggin' quad before i do that. seems like i'm working on it more than riding it lately anyway.

gonna see about gt thunder, wiigstyle and TCS.
yeah, leaning toward that now. checked gt, wiig, and tcs, but i don't think they mess with warrior shocks.
do you have a close up pic of yours without the back plastic on? need to see your modded box and figure out whether my aluminum box will work.
heres you some pics. let me know if it helps....




i just hacked the bottom off it and used plastic filler for repairing plastic bumpers for cars(i do body work on the side) and flatten the peice i cut off the bottom and made molded it together. it looks alot better than just heating it up and bending it to clear. i was gonna sand it and paint it nice and black but i got to lazy lol
great, i think i'll be okay w/o modding anything. my box is flat on the bottom so it should clear. thanks man

just another question right quick. is the knob for the rebound adjustment?
not a prob. the top knob is for compression adjustment and then theres a twist knob at the bottom of the shock shaft the controls the rebound. thats prob why everyone loves the banshee cause u can do all 3 adjustments.:tup:
nice find! good price. better than that $200 one, or 400 to get a stocker rebuilt?! lol thats nuts. cant believe its that much.
I read that two, but the knob looks different and the rezzy has the stock mono shock info off of it. Perhaps ohlins serviced it at one time?
the special edition banshee had those ohlin's on them iirc. anyway, whatever the case it's better than the turd on my bike now.