Should Be Punishable By Severe A** Kicking...

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Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2012
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I ride out where there's powerlines and theres a few tracks with all sorts of "cowboy" jumps, as well as some good straight shots for speed. Also got a gravel pit and lots of logging roads... But ya know what really pisses me off? The deadbeats, hillbillies, and hippies that dump their appliances, garbage and furniture there. Those ******** are the reason why all these logging roads and forest properties are shut down! I think not only should you be arrested if your caught, but you should have the s**t beat out of you. Your lack of intelligence is costing us places to ride...

Your thoughts?
I ride out where there's powerlines and theres a few tracks with all sorts of "cowboy" jumps, as well as some good straight shots for speed. Also got a gravel pit and lots of logging roads... But ya know what really pisses me off? The deadbeats, hillbillies, and hippies that dump their appliances, garbage and furniture there. Those ******** are the reason why all these logging roads and forest properties are shut down! I think not only should you be arrested if your caught, but you should have the s**t beat out of you. Your lack of intelligence is costing us places to ride...

Your thoughts?
I totally agree with you.. It's getting bad around here too.
But here people use marked trails as dumping grounds, usually at the bottom of a jump.
They back their truck up to it, and kick their junk out.
Then some kid comes over it, and get's hurt crashing into their junk cause they were to cheap to take it to the dump...
Theres no way to police the trails though, it would take to much man power to keep a 24hr check on them..
Totally agreed! Our property was part of huge farms back many years ago. And what did all the families do? They picked a spot on their land to use as a garbage dump. So what do you think a half acre of my property is? Old ******* glass bottles, tin cans, soda cans, bed frame, even clothes! My mother and I have taken a couple truck loads of **** to the dump a few years ago, and there is still trash up there! I atleast it's in the woods, but I can't turn the horses out in that, they'll get hurt. Hard to get in there with a skid steer cause I don't wanna puncture the tires. We have another prob here, and that is people (a) throwing bottle and cans out the car window, and (b) driving around with trash in the back of their trucks. That garbage blows out and onto the roadways. We live in such a beautiful country and people litterally trash it. We have all the trails behind our house named and one is called the appliance trail for a reason...

Another thing that makes me sick is this last weekend at hatfield. Buffalo mountain was very clean, I don't/can't remember any garbage on the trails. Maybe a stray water bottle that fell off someone's quad, but that is kinda to be expected. At rock house, there were a couple of intersections (where everyone hangs out) that there were bottles and cans all over the ground. You were able to bring it in there you ought to be able to bring it the **** out!!! How hard is that! It really gets my blod boiling. And many of the cans were beer cans, alcohol is against the rules of hatfield, and I don't want those trails, or any other, shut down because you are a ******* drunk and can't wait to have your precious alky at your lodge or campsite. That is just plain ignorance. All it takes in one to ruin it for all.

Imo, hatfield could help matters by putting trash containers (off the ground so animals can't get it) at all the major intersections. We all ride, so we all know what happens at intersections... consult the map, take a breather, stretch the legs, etc. Hatfield employees have to maintain the trails anyway, so why not take the trash out with you. We pay $50 a permit, I think that should be enough to buy trash cans from wally world.
Just remembered, we have dumpster placed randomly on our county. It cost absolutely nothing for you to take out your trash. You can throw a ******* refridgerator in there and no one will say anything. Meanwhile, you drive a half mile from one and there is a truck load of trash on the ground. Really? You couldn't use the damn dumpster.
(a) throwing bottle and cans out the car window, and (b) driving around with trash in the back of their trucks. That garbage blows out and onto the roadways.

yeah... i'm guilty of both those... but i do atleast go back after i'm sober (if i can remember where i've been) and pick up the bottles that got thrown out
What I don't understand is the "You have 200 + acres and all I have is .25 of an acre, and your better than me so I'll dump my trash on your property" attitude. I wanna **** these kind of people up if I catch them... But their already damaged goods.. Their so stupid they don't know how to go to the dump...
It pisses me off because so many fun places to ride are shut down because of this..
Well that's not too bad. Atleast you are taking responcability for it. If trash flies out of my truck on the way to the dumpsters, I stop and pick it up. I don't drink and drive, so no prob there.
Where I ride theres an unlocked gate... I always lock my trailer up while riding but would love to sacrifice one to lock in someone dumping trash ;)
I always take something out... Made out with containers for storage, pallets for jumps, all sorts of stuff..
that's what sucks ass is that it only takes that 1 idiot to **** it all up for everyone and next thing ya know what took so long to get trails for us quad riders is all of a sudden taken away faster than you know what
i dont drink and drive! i drink and ride ;) i'm the one that jumps out and steals the road sign....
sounds like the time where we had some mtb trails on private land. the guy never gave a **** until my friend decided to take a piss on the guy's hunting tent. BOOM shitloads of keep out signs poped up. i kicked his ass after that...