Snowmobiles---do you have one?

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Just wondered who in here was into sleds and what they rode. I got an 03 Yamaha Viper ER. I got into quads a year ago to help with the depression I felt every year when the snowmobile season ended. Best thing I ever did, now I can play all year long.
I have a 1982 yamaha 340 e.t its not a bad snowmovile for 100 bucks. we had to put a new track on it, new windshield (haha hit my dad in the head when he first rode it) new brake thing (broke after someone rode it) and we replaced all the fuel lines this summer and painted the hood. i hope it works this winter and we get enough snow! I loved snowmobiling and that made me decide I wanted a quad instead of a dirtbike. quadding is very similar to quadding cause of the leaning! anyways, the only bad thing is, we don't get much snow in my are anymore..
i sold mine 2 years ago and bought a quad for my dad wish i could of keept it but didnt ride it enough it was a ARtic Cat Jag 340 great mechine.
wow, no one else has any snowmobiles?

Im kinda not surprised, too expensive and the season is too short. If it wasn't the coolest thing ive ever done Id reconsider. After a run across a frozen lake at 100 mph+ you can get hooked . And no shifting----ever.
We had a neighboor who got drunk one time and went across the street with his snowmobile and tore the **** out of the golf course, it was funny as hell watching him go up the road with all the sparks and ****
I had a 1980-82 Arctic Trail Cat 340 but sold it a couple weeks ago for bout $500. It had basically new everything. The track was like 3-5 yrs old and was studded(i forget exactly how much), new suspension, bogies, painted the hood, sanded and painted the skis, new Mikuni carburetor, new lines, belt, had a halogen but kept blowing it out, plugs and wires, rebuilt engine and new seals. I don't know' what else there was but I miss it with winter coming. :'-[
Iv got a 99 Polaris Indy 340. Looking to upgrade next year... Snowmobiles been to small for about two years now.