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Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2005
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I'm trying to re-do my carb because its pretty ****** so I'm trying to reset it to factory specs to get it working RIGHT. But to get the jet valve out you need to take out 2 little Phillips screws and my screwdriver seems to big. What did you guys use to get it out?
i use a pair of chan alocks or vise gripps and loosen them up it keeps them from striping
yea which one do u need to get out
if you cant get them out dril them if you strip the head off
Ryan, are you talking about taking the needle out?

If that's what you're doing, first take out the screw that holds the lifter arm to the shaft, then push the slide up from the inside of the carb, and try taking the screws out with the right size screwdriver. If you don't have the right size, go buy one, it'll be easier to find the right size screwdriver than the replacement screws if you round out the head.