Starter Going Bad????

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Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2006
Reaction score
Columbia & Wright City MO
It will start up really easy when Its cold but once its really hot it has trouble starting.. it trys to fire.. and then it dosn't. Could this mean its time for a new starter.. and if so whats a good one I should get???
whell it could be but i doubt it, if it cranks fine and isnt firing its probibly your stator, all the starter does is spin all the gears so that the stator can make the current from the flywheel to ignite, i would check the stator

i havent heard of more than 2 people on this site have a starter go bad
does it seem to have a difficult time cranking even though the battery is fully charged? i just had a starter go bad, and my bike is a 2004. i took it apart to find the armature worn and the brushed almost nonexistant. its simple to take apart and examine, and if your armature is good all you need is a rebuild kit. i would take it apart and take a look. lots cheaper than messing with the stator.