Well-Known Member
I had a friend bring his warrior over the other day and he smiled at me and said watch this. He had it in neutral, turned the key and hit the button and all it did was click. He smiled again then put it in 1st and rocked the wheeler back and forth, pulled in the clutch and hit the button and the starter worked and she fired up. He shut it off, put it back in neutral and proceeded to do the same routine again. It seems that sometimes rocking it works on the first try and sometimes it needs to be repeated a time or two. It used to start up just fine then one day this started he said. I noticed that once in a while in the past his starter clutch made a ratcheting sound but not all the time. He said that for the last few weeks the starter won't even consider working unless you rock it while in gear first. So my question is what is wrong with it? Keep in mind that if you tap the starter while attempting to start it without rocking it in gear first it does nothing. I apologize for the length of this post but I wasn't sure how to paraphrase what I needed to tell you all. It's a 02 if that matters at all.