still not starting!

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Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2005
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OK I found out its not my battery wire that goes from the battery to the starter thats bad. For some reason I got it started 3 times and then it would not start again even without the booster. Its just not getting any spark. What could be wrong? Its not the CDI or the Regulator or the Ignition coil because they run after the engine has started. And also when I tryed to put it in reverse as soon as I pulled out the lever it stalled.
You can't really rule out any of those components for sure. You're getting a weak spark, which will make it hard to start, just because they provide enough spark for it to run doesn't mean they are working properly, and putting out the full power. If you don't want to take it to a shop and have them troubleshoot it, I don't really know what to tell you other than to start swapping parts. If you have a friend with a warrior that you could swap parts with for troubleshotting that would be ideal, other than that I don't know.
im having same prob dose it make any noies or lie ka snapple cap noise ? lie kthe click
Invite the guy over for steak and some beers in exchange for troubleshooting the quad.....?